Name dropping.

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
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Our Local radio had a phone- in on " Have you met anyone Famous ?" All went well for a while , someone had met Rolf , who was a really nice guy . Someone else met Joan Collins ,who was really nice to them.

All the celebs mentioned were pleasant ,down to earth .

Then an older lady came on who said her daughter worked for a catering firm, doing a show-biz do, she approaches a well known Aussie actor with a drinks tray and offers one. Guy tells her to "F... off "

Once I heard that , I won't watch his films , he can eff off himself, no need to treat people like that.

Two sparks I know were working in London in Wimpole St , sleeping on the job three nights a week. Often , Barbara Windsor would pass and always made time to have a chat and a laugh with the guys on site.

So, who have you met ? And what were they like ? Take care in what you say.

Ill start off with a lame one. I met Anica Rice if you remember who she is. She used to do Anica's challenge where she flew around in the helicopter solving clues. Not very famous but got a picture with Autograph. When i was about 9 which is 20 years ago. She was polite from what I can remember. Also met Nick Berry who lives in Whitstable who always takes time to have a chat.

Ill start off with a lame one. I met Anica Rice if you remember who she is. She used to do Anica's challenge where she flew around in the helicopter solving clues. Not very famous but got a picture with Autograph. When i was about 9 which is 20 years ago. She was polite from what I can remember. Also met Nick Berry who lives in Whitstable who always takes time to have a chat.
That was treasure hunt. Challenge Anica was the show where she had that little blue buggie and had to build something quickly for free.

I have met the queen once and seen her old man a few times and he is a foul mouthed person who treats his staff like they are stuck on the bottom of his shoe.

Sat oposite from Sean Connary once on a Gat Express too.

Thought I would have to fight Chris Evans once when he was waiting outside a building I worked in and a girl shouted back to me (while the door was open that he looked well ruff and no wonder billie left him. He gave me a really nasty look and I just grinned back.

Saw a well known football pundit (beard and a chin that would poke your eye out) at a Chester match donkeys years ago. A young lad went up to him for his autograph and the arrogant t*** just waved him away. Little lad was distraught.

Ill start off with a lame one. I met Anica Rice if you remember who she is. She used to do Anica's challenge where she flew around in the helicopter solving clues. Not very famous but got a picture with Autograph. When i was about 9 which is 20 years ago. She was polite from what I can remember. Also met Nick Berry who lives in Whitstable who always takes time to have a chat.
I met Anneka when she was challenged to build some new pens and pools for the seal sanctuary just outside Dunfermline, their beach buggy had a snapped throttle cable and my mate had a small holding at the back of the sanctuary where we would spend evenings de-seeming mini shells for fun!. Anyway they towed it to us and we got it running again, at one point she said

I have met,

Linda Lusardi,

Keith Deller,

Both in Scarborough.

Steve Robinson did an exhibition when i was in college.

Les Dennis and Lesley Crowther at a signing.

Ive met both East 17 and Boyzone backstage at a show.

And the latest one was Danyl Johnson, X-factor, meet and greet after a gig in Swansea Nightclub.

Not that many :(


Linda Lusardi, Now there's a girl from my locker door all them years ago!

Sorry for being thick sandra but who was you talking about? Werent crocodile dundee was it?
No , thought I'd best not name him as he was such a merchant banker ;)

Younger than the Croc man , supposed to be a heart throb, action movies, believe it or not , his name has gone out of my head, he,s a famous movie star, I've gone blank now. :Blushing

No , thought I'd best not name him as he was such a merchant banker ;) Younger than the Croc man , supposed to be a heart throb, action movies, believe it or not , his name has gone out of my head, he,s a famous movie star, I've gone blank now. :Blushing
Wasn't that chap that did a bit of filming in Rome was it?

Not that many , you have the record at the moment. Although I'm don't know who Kieth Deller and Steve Robinson are :Blushing
Keith Deller=is an English darts player, who won the Embassy World Professional Darts Championship in 1983. ...

Steve Robinson=boxer from Cardiff.

Well they were about 15yrs ago when i met them :)

Ooooooooh nearly forgot.....

I also met Hawk and wolf from gladiators (the tv programme), they used to train with my friends dad when he was a bodybuilder.
