Need main bonding, but is my CU wiring dangerous?!

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As far as I'm aware the smokes need to be the 10year lithium battery type , ie fitted with a battery that can't be stolen for use elsewhere and interlinked still. This isn't a bad thing as it means in 10 years you change the smoke detector which corresponds with the recommended life of a smoke detector. How that fits (doesn't fit) with BS5839 I don't know.

I am not too familiar with these battery operated smoke detectors. How do you know if the battery has failed before the 10 year life expectancy?

I may well be. Has anyone got any proof to back these statements up. Seems strange that a British Standard has a very clear position that battery powered smoke detectors are not acceptable in rented properties but no one is following this standard. 
We are in Scotland. Always ahead of the game.

What's the situation in Wales and NI?

One oddity here is there is no requirement for CO alarms to be interlinked to the rest of the smoke alarms.

And on the subject of CO alarms, I disagree with the standards.  The sensors only have a 7 year life, and you can get battery powered CO detectors with a long life battery that will last the lifetime of the sensor. So personally I think it will be better and simpler to fit battery powered CO detectors, but the rules don't allow that.  I wonder how many will actually read the sticker and replace the expensive mains powered CO detectors in 7 years time?

And don't get me started on why a heat detector (simpler electronics) costs more than a smoke detector, and why the difference in cost between a battery CO detector and a mains powered CO detector is so huge.

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I am not too familiar with these battery operated smoke detectors. How do you know if the battery has failed before the 10 year life expectancy?

They beep in a very annoying way. Chances are they would last about 8 years.

Not aware of any requirement to interlink CO alarms PD. Totally agree about the prices - they don't make sense, especially AICO radio link bases, which I am convinced are priced on the cost of hard wiring a retrofit system, and not on the cost of manufacturing.

I like the of the 10 year battery life smoke / heat detectors, in fact that is what I have fitted in my own property, manufactured by Fire Angel, had them in for 2 years now with no problems.

Surely it has to be a good thing because:

no batteries to remove due to going flat

no batteries to remove to fit in something which someone may consider more important mmmmm

new detector fitted every 10 years.

Kind of just sums up a couple of the points in posts above.

Just an update on this. Managed to find a local spark (recommended by my gas technician) to fit a new cu for me; i just hope he knows a bit more than the other guy! Will do the bonding to gas and water pipes myself and leave him to connect to earth. Hopefully, no other remedials; but i want to make sure my flat is safe for the tenants! 

Thanks, everyone, for your advice!

I managed to get a couple of Aico radio link bases for £25 each from ebay recently on a job that would have been too much of a ****** to get a cable from the main house through to the flat roofed kitchen extension. In fact I buy a lot of Aico stuff from ebay to get a decent price.

My gripe is a mains powerd smoke is about £5 more than a battery smoke. So WHY is a mains powerd CO £30 more than a battery powered CO?
