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Junior Member
Mar 19, 2011
Reaction score
Hi There

Just a line to introduce myself, I am a 56 year old maintenance spark who seems to spend most of my life repairing hydraulic, pneumatics general fitting, and gas burner repairs instead of what I served my time at. To top it all it seems people want to give a bad tempered old fellow such as myself an apprentice to amuse myself with. Anyway I had spent the afternoon wading through some of your threads, nice to see other peoples lives are full of the same crap stuff as mine


Welcome Leckybell.

Much of my work is maintenance too though I tend to be doing it as a contractor rather than employed though.

Which exact mdel of telescope (!) ;) is it by the way.

As per M4tty I thought when I saw your thread that you were just really bad at spelling! :^O

BTW we tend to take the mickey out of each other around here a lot!

Just like at work, all generally friendly though! :Salute

Welcome to the forum leckybell. Go on tell us some of the pranks you've played on your apprentise please. Them stories crack me up. Cheers

Welcome to the forum leckybell. Go on tell us some of the pranks you've played on your apprentise please. Them stories crack me up. Cheers
they shouldnt give him another one until they find the one that he had that hasnt been seen since 1974.

wonder if he will be like that old Japanese solider and still wiring the stuff in that cellar to 13th edition when they find him...........

does he even know you are not allowed to go open toed sandals any more????? :D

Welcome to the forum Leckybell, changes after 13th? its all rumors you know. Some even claim colours have changed!

Doc H.

Welcome to the forum, it's good to have you on-board. :)
