NIC Approved

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You raise a fair point there , O ultimate one - no, I haven`t been with another provider - I chose NIC at the inception of the business.

It may be a form of self-regulation; but I like to let my area engineer choose the sites - I don`t do anything different on any of the jobs, and if I AM doing something that doesn`t comply, I want to know about it.

I accept that is more difficult where most / all of your work is domestic, but it is still possible. If customers are aware that an inspector may come to their premises to ensure your work was up to scratch, would any of them have an issue with it? Mine never have - on the contrary, they feel happier still, knowing that your work on their property has been assessed.

This idea of showing your own house, and either your neighbour / mate / family member`s job is riddled with problems - as is the whole competant person system.

IMO, the issue stems from the origins of the "part P" qualification. NOT the qualification itself, or the original intention (to allow other trades to be able to carry out small electrical works, which were an integral part of their work, safely) ; i.e. the plumber who needs to connect up CH systems.

However, when it was (sorry if I offend anyone) abused by people using that system as a "fast-track" to becoming "AN ELECTRICIAN"!, is when the issues begun. I am not decrying the professionalism of anyone, or any particular scheme provider. I am simply saying that, in MY opinion, therein lies the root cause of much of our profession`s woes.

Yes, there are bad electricians. Always have been, always will be. Same can be said for all and any other trade.

*** n.b. As Steptoe would say: "It`s only my opinion" ***


Well, like you KME, when I first joined a scheme it was the NICEIC I chose first. Reason? They were and still are the most well known and that is mainly the reason I returned to them. Fed up with peeps saying "Who?" and Napit doing virtually nothing to get more recognized in our industry. It was the last straw when they were overtaken by elecsa for most number of members ;)

I agree with much of what you say.

Someone said that NICEIC Approved Contractors can add Domestic Installer free of charge. Can someone explain why they need to?

Surely Approved Contractor status includes domestic work.

I struggled to get a firm price off the NIC, all they wanted to do was take a debit card number off me 'to get the ball rolling' I gave up in the end and went with Napit, at least they gave me a firm price with no hidden extras or pushy 'buy our test sheets' blurp!

And an A/C doesn`t automatically get a DI number, which is used to access the LABC notification site ;)
I thought all Part P Providers did that for you? Ie: You'd Pay them

I kinda know a guy at the council saw him the other week and he told me get NIC approved and he may be able to put some work my way. Plus I'd like to be an approved contractor.
I am in a similar position mate. Currently do some "minor" work in a couple of schools. I have been advised to become an AC, told I'd be more likely to pick up work from the local authorities, plus I think the schools would rather I was an AC.

Someone mentioned earlier that is was difficult moving from a DI to an AC? (Toold?) Has anyone got any info on this?


Should not be a problem if you are doing it all the right way, I do mostly Domestic and always have, and had no problem with initial Assesment or yearly inspection since (12 Years now).

You do not HAVE to have Commercial OR Industrial work to gain approvel but PIRs are included in the assessment IF you do them.

You do not HAVE to have Commercial OR Industrial work to gain approval but PIRs are included in the assessment IF you do them.
There, you see? Straight from an AC's mouth. So much misinformation around, where does it all come from?

As this is something I have been thinking about doing myself I rang the NICEIC head office and got put through to a nice lady who gave a straight and consice answer within a minute or so...

Here goes...

As I am currently a DI I would have to pay the
