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Mar 12, 2011
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Psychiatric ward??
Here is something that just occured to me...

I know that nearly everything the DNO do on their LV network is done live, but say they need it dead. All they got to do is to take the links out ae each end and park a car on the lid! But what about all them stupid solar panel things, how they isolate them from the cable in the street???


so what happens if there is more than 1 inverter, and each one keeps the others on, and the total load is less than what is being generated so none shut down on overload?

How do the DNO even know for sure who has these stupid contraptions, or that some muppet has not hooked up a generator. If it were me i woule be shorting out the links both ends, but even that might not "catch all" as it were. Wonder what Misssweden thinks of this....


I once got a big one off some overheads,

We were working in the sticks, was common practice at that time to Croc clip to the overhead services for a builders temp,

Only thing was as I was climbing the pole some idiot arsehole dickbrain fired up the genny,,,,  

Lesson learnt,

Try not to work with dickbrain arseholes!!!!  

How do the DNO even know for sure who has these stupid contraptions, or that some muppet has not hooked up a generator. If it were me i woule be shorting out the links both ends, but even that might not "catch all" as it were. Wonder what Misssweden thinks of this....

She,s deserted us  ,  gone to Sweden for Christmas.

How do the DNO even know for sure who has these stupid contraptions, or that some muppet has not hooked up a generator. If it were me i woule be shorting out the links both ends, but even that might not "catch all" as it were. Wonder what Misssweden thinks of this....

Jumpers, voltage indicators, gauntlets, plastic tools, & pink thongs all go towards not blowing up jointers & linesmen. there is always H&S, safe working practices and risk assessments but Im sure there's some secret DNO stuff that only Miss's knows :) But surely nothing is idiot proof!?

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Should someone contact the swedish embassy and inquire as to her whereabouts?? Perhaps one of us should be dispatched to Sweden to investigate. In the spirit of christmas selflessness, i do not mind if it has to be me!!!!


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one requirement of intsalling solar is that we notify dno, plus as fit is depenedent on system being installed by registered companies, there is little in the way of diy installations. As for dno, they need to check cables are dead, same as we do.

Yes, but dead one minute live the next. Do they have to go into peoples houses and lock things off or pull out their cutout fuses?? Feel sorry for the DNO. How they supposed to keep voltages etc stable on their network when there is all this home made solar electric feeding in. I know round here, they wanted to fit voltage monitors to peoples meters to "make the system visible" as the DNO put it.

What quality power is all this home made stuff?? Is it a proper sine wave or some chopped up rubbish?? So far as i am concerned they should ban the lot, it should never have been allowed in the first place and the money the government has put into it should all have been spent on scrubbers and the like to enable us to have proper [but cleaner] coal fired power stations. The arabs could go drink their oil then, and the russians could go and gas themselves with their gas, we have 300 years supply of coal here. Never mind generating electricity, we could have generated thousands or PROPER jobs at the same time.



No is the short answer, the inverters are 'Grid tied' ie the monitor for a live grid connection, if none is present they don't start up, and even when they do connect they wait for 3 minutes before doing so. read the G83 links paddker posted to answer the rest of your questions abour quality of output.

when we notify DNO they ask details like where the isolators are so they can isolate if necessary.

seeing as it is xmas i will ignore the rest of your ramblings in the spirit of peace on earth :slap :slap :slap :slap

Think they would earth it down once proved dead and keep the earths applied until work was finished.
ever watched DNO working 'live' - they seem quite keen on working like that.

No is the short answer, the inverters are 'Grid tied' ie the monitor for a live grid connection, if none is present they don't start up, and even when they do connect they wait for 3 minutes before doing so.

they may monitor for 'live grid connection', but what if that is coming from other inverters. might be that none shut down because they all detect an external supply so stay running...

Wouldn't they shut down on over voltage then as they would all be trying to backfired higher than each other?

Eventually only one left would shutdown as no reference. 
