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Jun 12, 2018
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Hi everyone 

Just Been in my garden which has a 12volt lighting system .  Supply is r c d fed from lighting circuit in my sun room. Was installed before I moved in .  

I Want to install new 12v system and when I started looking the supply cable is fed underground in flexible water hose .  Butyl flexi cable is used .  Has anyone used this practice before ? I know swa is the way to go or a proper conduit but do you think this in safe ? Regs just say give mech protection .  Thoughts would be appreciated 


Obviously or hopefully a DIY job, come across it before when following DIYers, You are right SWA properly glanced is the way to go.

I know lol , there is a few ways to do this job . I don’t even know if they have gone down 600mm to lay the cable. They might of done I don’t know 

if it was laid in proper conduit or ducting I would be tempted to leave it as it would have enough mechanical protection !

I am going to install a techmar plug and play system but might have to re think it now and put a new cable in .   Couple of days work instead of 2 hours haha 

Yip I have certainaly put non armoured and armoured cable in ducting before.

As far as I'm aware and I'm sure our more learned members will confirm the 600mm rule is only a guide, for example if it is a field that gets ploughed then go deeper, if it is under a wee footpath in a pack garden then the 600mm depth is not required.

Yip I have certainaly put non armoured and armoured cable in ducting before.

As far as I'm aware and I'm sure our more learned members will confirm the 600mm rule is only a guide, for example if it is a field that gets ploughed then go deeper, if it is under a wee footpath in a pack garden then the 600mm depth is not required.

I was actually on elec at work regs course today and looked in the regs and sure it said 600 . Was only skim reading so might  of been 450 .  I’m industrial back ground so a little rusty on outside supplies etc lol 

think the cable route goes under stones and pathway but not 100% ! 

I’m still in touch with the person who we bought house off so might ask him if he installed it lol 

I was actually on elec at work regs course today and looked in the regs and sure it said 600 . Was only skim reading so might  of been 450 .  I’m industrial back ground so a little rusty on outside supplies etc lol 

Rather bizarrely BS 7671 has absolutely no fixed recommendations for burying cables .........................

Another major failing IMHO

Rather bizarrely BS 7671 has absolutely no fixed recommendations for burying cables .........................

Another major failing IMHO
I’ve just been looking at the depth and it was a 100mm in hose pipe.  The trench run isn’t that bad so going to rip it out tomorrow ! Think I’m going to do down 450mm with SWA . Seems ok ? 

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100mm deep? that is quality work for a hose pipe run, normally about 10mm deep for maximum damage potential. :)

450mm deep SWA bedded in sand and with warning tape a spades depth deep above it sounds a good plan.

600mm is normally only necessary where the land above is being dug up regularly.
