PATesting computers Yes or No

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.... always found Scaddan's books useful......
TBH... I cannot think of any of Scaddan's books that I have seen that are naff.

Personally if I was after any electrical book and there was more than one to choose from, i.e. Scaddan and one or more others..

99% of the time I think my first choice would be the Scaddan publication. :D :|

IMHO he has a very easy to follow writing style and explains things in a very logical manner!:xApplaud SmileyApplaud Smiley

I have a Kewtech KT 71

small unit setting for IT equipment,,,and setting for extension leads

for the amount i do it does the job.

I agree, the first tester I purchased was a basic pass/fail type, it cost me a couple of hundred quid and thought it would be ok.

It was crap, and like the above posts it was not up to the job in hand.

My new tester does all types of tests, and gives the actuall readings, so I can make the judgement on pass or fail.

I hate doing PAT anyway and if I get a job where there is loads to do I pass it on to a local company who are geared up for this type of work.
