PIR EICR pricing

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Mar 26, 2010
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Hello everyone,

Just interested in peoples opinions on this one.

I was asked to do a periodic report for a company near me. The building is an industrial unit which is a depot for a large national food supplier. 1shed where vans are stored, around 20m by 10m and 2 small rooms serving as offices. Supply is 3 Phase, TNCS, tails into main switched fuse then into 3 p DB which contains 9 3 phase circuits (all refigeration van charger sockets) and 7 Single phase circuits (lighting, sockets in office etc. Shed is 7 metres high and though I was originally going to quote to supply access equip for lighting, it was agreed this was to be a limitation (testing to furthest accessible point).

I was recommended by my uncle who works there, to the manager of the depot (the guy requesting the work). However, he didn't even seem to know what the work would entail, so having explained all to my uncle in the initial phone call, I provided him with a little info pack I had put together on PIR's, as well as my quote which came out to

Walk away mate, its not worth the hassle, there is better work and customers out there. Alot of 'electricians' are undercutting on prices, not realising that if they miss something, their PI Insurance will sky rocket, and that any deficiencies would have to be rectified at the electricians time and cost, not the customers.


As a fairly experienced inspector and tester I would allow 10 hours to do a proper PIR on that installation. I would therefore suggest that your quote of

Hello everyone,Just interested in peoples opinions on this one.

I was asked to do a periodic report for a company near me. The building is an industrial unit which is a depot for a large national food supplier. 1shed where vans are stored, around 20m by 10m and 2 small rooms serving as offices. Supply is 3 Phase, TNCS, tails into main switched fuse then into 3 p DB which contains 9 3 phase circuits (all refigeration van charger sockets) and 7 Single phase circuits (lighting, sockets in office etc. Shed is 7 metres high and though I was originally going to quote to supply access equip for lighting, it was agreed this was to be a limitation (testing to furthest accessible point).

I was recommended by my uncle who works there, to the manager of the depot (the guy requesting the work). However, he didn't even seem to know what the work would entail, so having explained all to my uncle in the initial phone call, I provided him with a little info pack I had put together on PIR's, as well as my quote which came out to
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No offence taken whatsoever, glad of the advice.

For the first red point, I totally agree. This is something I would always do with a domestic customer so perhaps I took my eye off the ball.

As for the second, whilst I take your point and agree on the whole, I can't agree in this instance. The favour I did was for him and not the firm as he was overseeing the depot and had lost power. He only recommended me for the periodic, he is not responsible for it in anyway and has nothing to gain form me or my price. Usually, I would charge, I actually carried out a full rewire for another uncle last year and charged for it.

I'll be walking away now regardless, imagine the hassle come remedials! So sick of the headaches that come with PIR's, I've had this kind of episode several times, mainly with landlords. I just didn't expect a firm this size to give total discretion to thier (profit related bonus seeking) manager for something so important.

But you didn't do your Uncle a favour, you did a job for the company that he works for,,, the reason that you were called was because he knows & trusts you....

Never do favours for customers, they'll expect them all the time

But you didn't do your Uncle a favour, you did a job for the company that he works for,,, the reason that you were called was because he knows & trusts you.... Never do favours for customers, they'll expect them all the time
Well, I do take your point and technically you're correct, however, at the time the responsibility was on his shoulders and I made his life a lot easier than it could of been. The reason I'm comfortable with it is that I know he would of, and has done the same for me on many occasions, he is practically my brother rather than an uncle. When it comes to the periodic he has simply recommended me and that is the extent of his involvement.

I really would love to see the 'other 2 quotes' and who they are from!

My daughter is a manager at a large care home, she asked me to quote for the due PIR last year, I told her to get two more quotes besides mine, a reputable company near me put in almost the same price which was based on a 1 hour visual inspection. The company who eventually did the PIR did a ten minute inspection before they put there quote in. Apparently my quote and the other companies quote came out at about
