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I am not pleased but respect your view.

I think the fact that when shove comes to push he gave up his stance on the differences in policies just to get the lib dems onside.

However we have seen all politicians from all parties do the same over the years.

What this country needs is another Cromwell, who saw the politicians as for what they are.

However time will tell and there is a lot of work to do to get the British people on board.

I am not pleased but respect your view.I think the fact that when shove comes to push he gave up his stance on the differences in policies just to get the lib dems onside.

However we have seen all politicians from all parties do the same over the years.

What this country needs is another Cromwell, who saw the politicians as for what they are.

However time will tell and there is a lot of work to do to get the British people on board.
I wholeheartedly agree with the last line there GH!

They will have to abandon part p to get me on board or police it to a proper standard.
I know it's hugely significant to you Batty, but it's a drop in the ocean to them. It's easy to think the only things that bothers us is what's important, but in the big picture it often isn't!

If we get the economy back on track it will help us all. :|

bloomin cunning those politicians.......................

:Applaud :Applaud:Applaud:Applaud

:Applaud :Applaud:Applaud:Applaud

:Applaud :Applaud:Applaud:Applaud

All part of a big "bury the news excersie"......

:Applaud :Applaud:Applaud:Applaud

:Applaud :Applaud:Applaud:Applaud

:Applaud :Applaud:Applaud:Applaud

:Applaud :Applaud:Applaud:Applaud

preventing any reporting on Capello's provisional squad of 30!

