Having read your previous post Dertt and with the greatest of respect, surely if you have a mate that is teaching you and overseeing the job, would it not be in your best interest to take his advice first and foremost rather than search an Internet forum for the advice? Now if your mate has advised something and you have done a bit of research and it has thrown up some contradictions to what your mate was suggesting then by all means raise the issue on the forums.
But I'll tell you this much, if I had a mate that I was training and I found out that he was asking questions on a forum prior to asking me then he'd be finding some other mate to train him as I wouldn't have time.
Now if you are as you say a Novice and you are interested in a career change then we may direct you in the best way to become trained, however as a reminder Electricty can and does kill, so it'd be foolish of us trained persons to go giving out advice to a novice on such type of installation. Perhaps, dare I say, it is you naivety or ignorance to the power of electricity when not installed correctly that is causing the issue and not the attitude of the trained? I will finish by saying you are not the first nor be the last to come to a forum and ask for advice that is out of your understanding. So please sit down with your mentor and ask him as many questions as you like, if he is genuinely interested in training you then he will be patient in his explanations.