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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score

Can we have a "puzzled" smiley face please.

I'm often puzzled and would make good use of it .

While I'm on the subject, could we have a "Baffled" smiley too , would come in useful when reading Apache's posts ; \ ; \ ;) ; ) ;)

And another question .... how do you actually create a "Smiley" ?


Last edited by a moderator:
You have me sussed out 'Patch I was trying to make out that I understood what he was saying by thanking him .I thought Admin could magic one into the selection box TBH .
I know :D


Remember - you taught me all I know about computers..........

You have me sussed out 'Patch I was trying to make out that I understood what he was saying by thanking him .
Good plan. I immediately assumed you were busy photoshopping up some new smilies. :)

I just posted this to get it to the top again, hoping Admin might see it .
Deke, see this thread


post # 11

You can pick whichever one you want!


While we're on the subject of smilies, can it be made so that smilies need something wrapping round them so you can write normally without it being hijacked? e.g. I want to write ohm but I get ohm, I didn;t want ohm, I wanted ohm. If :eek:hm: was for ohm, and then the three letters next to each other, o, h and m just made a woprd, that would be dead handy.

OK I 've picked one . I was hoping we could have it on the Forum, why is life so difficult ?
Must be your time of the month..........

Underneath it there is a number.

Click on the number, a new page opens.

There are 3 sortcuts (like a link) the top one is html (for emails, blogs, websites) the second is bbcode (for forums) and the third a link.

You want to highlight the line under bbcode (for forums) and then copy* it.

eg [url =http://planets milies.net]
(I have added 2 spaces to break it, but you get the idea)

Then paste* it onto the forum!

[Copy and paste guide for Sandra]

Highlight by clicking and holding down the left mouse button and dragging, when all you want highlighted is selected, let go.

Right click over the highlighted area and select 'copy'.

Come back to the forum and right click - select 'paste'


