Quiet tonight!

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Cow Fiddler ™
Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
Not a lot of activity on here tonight chaps - I'm very jealous of you all out having fun!

I've ended up on duty covering for my gf who's got a stomach bug, hoping I don't get it!

So I can't go out, nor have a drink :(

AND it's snowing! X(

God I'm a miserable ****** tonight...............................

Not a lot of activity on here tonight chaps - I'm very jealous of you all out having fun!I've ended up on duty covering for my gf who's got a stomach bug, hoping I don't get it!

So I can't go out, nor have a drink :(

AND it's snowing! X(

God I'm a miserable ****** tonight...............................
Bahhh Humbug!!]:)Blushing

Snowing! :D

get the ruddy sledge runners waxed up then instead of dossing around on here! ; \ :p :|

I haven't had much time to get on here, posting, during the past few days...

only just had reading time!

Today has been...

fetch my eldest back From Loughborough Uni for Christmas!

Steady rain & loads of spray most of journey! :(

get back go out... bit o shopping..

(inc guinea pig food & hay!!!! "bead & breakfast").. ;) :D

back home.. quick lunch..

back out.. fetch a Christmas tree! :D

back home... make space in lounge for tree..

bring tree in put lights on it so kids can decorate it with baubles etc...

Wash car & trailer cuz got caked up with mud & crap down the lanes!!!



thought weekends were sposed to be easier than work days? ; \ ?:|

Not a lot of activity on here tonight chaps - I'm very jealous of you all out having fun!I've ended up on duty covering for my gf who's got a stomach bug, hoping I don't get it!

So I can't go out, nor have a drink :(

AND it's snowing! X(

God I'm a miserable ****** tonight...............................
Spent most of last nite/early hours tending to my lot who all have the bug too (except me). I'm knackered now, havent had much sleep. :z

Just thankful they've had it now and not at christmas.

It seems most of the guys who came over from the other board have now gone quiet - have they left? :(


It appears that most of them have. There are still several of the "Good" ones here though. :D

Spent most of last nite/early hours tending to my lot who all have the bug too (except me). I'm knackered now, havent had much sleep. :z Just thankful they've had it now and not at christmas.
Sorry to hear that Admin2. Hope they get better soon and we aviod it!

Too busy to be sick


yeah like me :)

is that




Answers on a postcard please to Admins "Do we love or hate badger Quiz"? ?:|

first prize .. :D

as much of KME's beer as you can drink.....Guiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness Drink:x:pBlushing

while Steptoe exports an earth to your right leg!!! :eek:

hmmmm!is that




Answers on a postcard please to Admins "Do we love or hate badger Quiz"? ?:|

first prize .. :D

as much of KME's beer as you can drink.....Guiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness Drink:x:pBlushing

while Steptoe exports an earth to your right leg!!! :eek:
Is that a trick question Specs? :D

Its against the law to be cruel to Badgers although the government is still on about culling them. Best keep your head down Badge.

Hey Apache, what are your thoughts on badger culling, do they really spread TB to cattle ??

Its against the law to be cruel to Badgers although the government is still on about culling them. Best keep your head down Badge. Hey Apache, what are your thoughts on badger culling, do they really spread TB to cattle ??
Absolutly they do! People think badgers and nice cuddly creatures - have they ever seen one close up? Nasty buggers.

They carry TB and unlike cows and people where the bacteria go to the lungs and is coughed out in the badger it goes to the kidneys so they pass the disease wherever they urinate.

It doesn't take a genius to realise that you can't control any disease (TB in cattle) by ignoring the wildlife reasovoir (badgers).

I'm not anti-badger per say but they must be culled in endemic areas. The only reason that it's not happening is the government don't think the public would stand for it.

There was a flawed trial where they killed some badgers on infected farm, but this made the disease worse. All it did was break up family groups, so the badgers wandered and spread TB to other cows and badgers.

All badgers on infected farms MUST be killed for the cows and the badgers sake. As it is we are killing thousends of cattle every year for nothing! So far this year (Jan > September) 26,766 cows were slaughtered thought to be infected with TB.


In my yoof, drone drone, I worked on an Australian buffalo farm in the Northern Territory and part of the work involved vaccinating the buffalos from TB. Don't we do that here? ?:|

In my yoof, drone drone, I worked on an Australian buffalo farm in the Northern Territory and part of the work involved vaccinating the buffalos from TB. Don't we do that here? ?:|
No we don't. The reason being that the test for TB looks for antibodies to the disease. So we would have no way of knowing whether the animal was infected or immune through vaccination.

There is ongoing research into a vaccine that would let us tell the difference between vaccinated and infected cattle. There is also work looking at a vaccinae for the badgers - hidden in food.

Badgers nasty buggers ! I can't have that. To my knowledge Mr. Badger was a neighbour of Rupert Bear, he was OK. And Wise Old Badger came from the Wild Wood, armed with a stout gudgel, to help Ratty and Mole drive the Stoats and Weasles from their occupation of Toad Hall.. no, no I think you've got this all wrong Patch. ;) ; \

I'm begining to think you're a cow fan Apache, perhaps we should re-name you Ermintrude :D :D.

Biggest problem is lack of natural predators for badgers (and beavers for that matter). Hence culling will always be necessary.

Badgers nasty buggers ! I can't have that. To my knowledge Mr. Badger was a neighbour of Rupert Bear, he was OK. And Wise Old Badger came from the Wild Wood, armed with a stout gudgel, to help Ratty and Mole drive the Stoats and Weasles from their occupation of Toad Hall.. no, no I think you've got this all wrong Patch. ;) ; \
Deke - I think Wind in The Willows has done more harm to cows than anything in the last 10 years! (cos everyone thinks badgers are cuddly)

If you PM me you're address I'll send you a dead one and you can have a closer look ;)
