Thanks for the sarcasm. I hope once I've got some experience under my belt I don't become as arrogant as you pair.
I am newly qualified, looking for a electricians mate job and undertaking small jobs for friends and family for the experience more than anything else.
I would welcome comments from 'professionals' who are on the site to offer genuine help and not boost their egos.
Many thanks.
1. No sarcasm from me Harris - I purely responded to your posts. I hope you`ll stop trying to do things that are obviously beyond your current skill level. Arrogant? No - just upset that someone with your level of knowledge thinks it acceptable to "do small jobs", when you don`t understand the basics of what you`re doing, and why.
2. Newly qualified? What qualifications do you have? This helps us all understand the best way to describe things. We don`t want to "talk down" to you; but neither does anyone want to blind you with science. Trying to gain experience is all very laudable, but, without sufficient skill & knowledge, its potentially hazardous to other peoples` health. Do you have adequate insurance?
3. Professionals? I was "newly qualified" 26 years ago, and am still learning. No-one who has replied to your posts is anything but professional, in my opinion - and I`ve met many of `em, or know of them by reputation. I WAS offering "genuine help" - I don`t need to "boost my ego". I know what I know, but, more importantly, and the difference between us - I know what i DON`T know.
However, if that is your attitude towards my posts - I shall trouble you no more. I`ll go attempt to help those who appreciate it, instead.
edit: just seen Robin`s post.
Maybe he sums it up for you, in a more understandable way than I do - ask Robin about the replies he gets ( or look up some of the past ones) - we aren`t here to "big ourselves up" - I do this for the love of the industry - nothing more. If that doesn`t "float your boat" - then I`ll :coat