Hi just found this site
I am in the process of testing some sudent flats, the flats are all supplied by 16mm t/e submains with seperate 16mm main earth conductors.
We are going to recommend split RCD boards in all the flats to comply with the 17th (no RCD protection on the existing boards), do the submains have to be RCD protected (t/e installed in ceiling/wall voids.)
If so how do you discriminate between RCDs?
I have just passed my 17th course but not sure on this one!
I am in the process of testing some sudent flats, the flats are all supplied by 16mm t/e submains with seperate 16mm main earth conductors.
We are going to recommend split RCD boards in all the flats to comply with the 17th (no RCD protection on the existing boards), do the submains have to be RCD protected (t/e installed in ceiling/wall voids.)
If so how do you discriminate between RCDs?
I have just passed my 17th course but not sure on this one!