RE: EasyCert...

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Junior Member
Aug 5, 2011
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... thought I should start a new post instead of highjacking another one. I have looked at this software and thought it looks pretty good...BUT. seems like all the sheets are coloured according to NIC...

Also it has a 'Domestic Visual Inspection' report ... I thought there was no such thing. well at least according to BS7671 or GN3 (I stand corrected if it's in there, but I can't see it) so do all the scheme providers support such a report. My scheme provider (NAPIT) I will have to check with but when it comes to your Professional Indemnity insurance it might not back you up if it's not mentioned in the BRBook , surely!

Rant over!

for 'domestic visual inspeaction report', you are right - there is no such thing in 7671.

however, there is nothing to stop you using a normal PIR and using limitations to 'visual report only'

Thanks for replies gents. I am certainly tempted by the discount but I want to see what my scheme provider offers. Although I am also tempted as Easycert cover a package for PAT as well!

As for the original post. I am concerned about using 'non-BS7671' forms as it does not help matters. I think the IET should address these issues considering how much we pay for the books!

I have downloaded it and am looking at it so will take a little time to decide, but at first glance it does look good.

I am in South East Kent between Rye and Folkestone

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The Scheme provider being Napit1. There handwritten forms - No Comment

2. There Software - No Comment
I take it you don't rate them worth buying then ;)

I`m partway through a 5 year PIR on a hotel - over 150 rooms, each with 3 ccts. Plus all the H&V, laundry, kitchen, bar, office, swimming pool etc. stuff. Two supplies (their own CHP plant on site) ; an 800A / phase DNO supply from their own 11KV sub.

The cert is being produced with easycert, `cos I`ve never found better software. I use the "NIC" cert function usually; but I can just produce 7671 forms instead, if I wish.

It lets me add "custom" pages, notes, photos, etc - I lurve adding photos to "back up" some of the more serious stuff:)

Can`t say enough good things about it - and I paid the full price, before they became sponsors of the forum.

Nah buddy - fixed price, before I started :( :(

I don`t get a say in cost, I get a call "this is the job, and this is what we`ve allowed. D`you want it?"

On the positive side any remedials signed off by the consultants`ll come through me, at a fair rate, cos I can then specify times for works.......


as I said in a previous post,

our office is going paperless, and after looking at quite a few of these,

Easycert has came out a clear winner,

not only can I use it (no mean feat in its self!)

but the girl in admin thinks its totally awesome,

the directors cant believe how simple it makes things for all concerned,

the only problem we have at present with it is remote access, ie, being able to do the certs on a different pc/laptop and not the admin one where they will actually be quantified and filed from,

it would at present mean needing about 5 licences just to fill a form in and e.mail it, which isnt ideal,

might have to try and get something knocked up on a spreadsheet for admin to copy and paste into easycert............

You could always have 1 pc running easycert standalone (no one else using it for anything else) and use LogMeIn to remote control and enter cert details, it would be a bit cumbersomeOr get an iPad :slap enter cert on iPad and then export to office *easy*
Thats what I was thinking TBH,,,, but Steps using an iPad:slap

You could always have 1 pc running easycert standalone (no one else using it for anything else) and use LogMeIn to remote control and enter cert details, it would be a bit cumbersomeOr get an iPad :slap enter cert on iPad and then export to office *easy*
so, just have an old box sitting in the corner of the office running easy cert,

and allow remoter access from any other PC/laptop?

couldnt I just have it running on the server?

even if we went the ipad or PDA route still need additional licences, wouldnt we ?????????

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Why 5 licenses steps?How many PCs do you actually need to be able to enter or edit data on?
admin, -main user

my office, - filling certs and reviewing

preferable my home, - filling certs and reviewing, sending certs to admin

my lappie/pda on site, - sending certs to admin

PDH's pc (view only would be OK)

and possibly AN other

that was why I thought maybe have it on the server in a passworded folder, is that possible?

iPad app is free mate;)

If youre running it on a windows mobile device then youll need the mobile version.

TBH I'm seriously considering it, but I would like to be ablento run it comoletley from my iPad and not have to export the data to a PC to be able to print or email the cert,,,, I think the iPad app only collects the data

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I recon you'd only need 2 licenses there mate

Admin- yes

you on site- yes

You in office- use on site pc

You at home- use on site pc (and why are you doing work admin in your own time?)

PHD- save certs as PDF and store on server

I'll give him a ring tomoz,

if we can get this worked then its a deffo goer for us,

I can understand the licencing aspect, but its all for use via one main PC,

everything will be quantified and done through admin PC as a final point,

having access from other PCs is simply to lighten the load on the girl that does the admin work ,

then she merely has to, file the cert, print it off (if required), and e.mail(or post) it to the client, and mark the job as complete.

rather than have to input all the data from a (probably) scribbled illegdible test sheet as used on site,

it also makes the benefit of being able to do the certs remotely(ie, jobs 3or4 hours away) null and void,

this all started when I was in the lakes and a cert for the ASHP ccts was required before it could be commisioned, so I had to drive 2hours back just to fill in a cert and have it e.mailed back to the job!!!! then a 2hour drive back to where I came from, headbang

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iPad app is free mate;)If youre running it on a windows mobile device then youll need the mobile version.

TBH I'm seriously considering it, but I would like to be ablento run it comoletley from my iPad and not have to export the data to a PC to be able to print or email the cert,,,, I think the iPad app only collects the data

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I recon you'd only need 2 licenses there mate

Admin- yes

you on site- yes

You in office- use on site pc

You at home- use on site pc (and why are you doing work admin in your own time?) I get some recompense for this, plus I dont get hassled, like I would if Im in the office.

PHD- save certs as PDF and store on server
Im liking the Ipad thing though :)

all I need that for is to fill in results etc then e.mail to admin for client details etc,

just a thought,

what is the minimum disk space XP needs?

will XP run off USB???

I think it should, must try it once I pick up a 16G stick.......

METPete, the Domestic Visual Condition Report is something the NICEIC created. We would recommend you check with your scheme provider if you have any concerns with regards to using this report. However all the other reports in the software fully comply to BS 7671 and are fine with all providers.

Kind regards,

Brian Harper

nothing wrong with good old pen & paper.... at least i dont have to then print it and send it to them, just leave it at the job (well, some do get posted later)


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