Reporting the cowboys

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Mar 26, 2010
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Hi everyone,

I know a lot of you on here don't like the tradesmen websites and in general I would agree with you, however I get a reasonable trickle of decent work from the tradesmen site that I am on (about 20 jobs in the past 12 months including a few full re-wires) and have made a couple of contacts, making it worth the fees. My issue is this. I have looked up a number of the regular firms on the site (mainly the ones with good feedback like myself) and I would say that only about half are part p registered, if that (having checked on the competent persons website). I have also posted a couple of my own fake jobs (naughty, I know) in order to see what my competiters were quoting and the unregistered guys clearly aren't informing LABC. 3 bed semi re-wire weighs in at around a grand and a consumer unit upgrade at

If it were me, I`d inform my scam scheme provider, and let them chase it up, or whatever they want to do.

As an alternative, you can notify your concerns to LABC; who actually get to keep

any fines they can impose, making them more likely to attempt to deal with the issue....

I`d do it, too, as I know that I couldn`t compete with costings like those..........

At present time I don't think anybody is interested well government that brought thing in aren't anyway. As long as you do your bit right do your certs you will be able to sleep at night. Cowboys will carry on as they always have.

It really bugs me to try and commpete with these people. What makes it worse is the feedback system on the site as a lot of them have good feedback but how are the customers to know? If they've just had their consumer unit upgraded for

Report them to whoever you can. They wont take any notice though. I work in the south devon and am sick of cowboyz taking most of the work. The amount of people out there that need educating is unbelievable.Went to a customer today who had a partial rewire done reciently. Bad job no paperwork etc etc. I tried educating them about this a month ago as they want a fan fitted in kitchen. Did they listen. NO. Bathroom fitter was there doing the lecky. Not good either inappropriate downlights etc etc. Trouble is there are not enough prosecuctions and no consecwences

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Think I'm going to be getting a list of names together and contacting my scheme provider. I'm fed up with these idiots costing me work.

Two things spring to mind:

1. people know the price of everything and the value of nothing!

2. it is interesting what things affect the 'value' of a service they receive. How you present yourself, keep mess to a minimum, seem friendly, all affect the customers perception of you. Almost nobody will be glad to receive a certificate of test results they don't understand!

I would say the term uneducated is a compliment. Down right ignorant a lot of them. We all know electricity can kill, we were taught it at school, wether we are sparks or not. I can honestly say if I wasn't a spark and had never been near the industry, I'd still know its something thats got to be done properly by a qualified person.

Think I'm going to be getting a list of names together and contacting my scheme provider. I'm fed up with these idiots costing me work.
Yet you pull the average price of electrical work down by 'bidding' your services on the internet?

I would expect that anyone getting work by that means was 'cheap' and I would never use such methods to find a tradesman. Do you really want the customer who is looking to shave the last penny of the invoice? Fit crap and have to go back for free?

I would second that Apache, though it would seem to me that most people immediatly think value = cheap

We`ve said it before. You can "aim" your business at a particular sector of the market, and get it. Three jobs this week, never been to the customer before....:

me "I`ll work an estimate up, and send it out."

customer "Don`t bother, we need it done, so just go ahead and do it".

In 2 of those cases, its the parents who want to pick up the tab for their son / daughter. I know I won`t take advantage, and I trust that they`ll pay.

A lot of this can be down to who you work for. As `pache says, I wouldn`t be on an "auction site" - I`ve actually used that phrase to a customer who wanted to `negotiate` the invoice. "My name is NOT mr Ebay - That is the price".

Sometimes, you have to stand by your convictions (and your pricing!)



Yet you pull the average price of electrical work down by 'bidding' your services on the internet?
I do not bid my services, every job I have undertaken on the site has been from requesting a site visit and providing a written quote. This quote doesn't change no matter what other bids come in.
I would expect that anyone getting work by that means was 'cheap' and I would never use such methods to find a tradesman.
In my experience, all types of people get work from all types of means. I won't quote for any work without a site visit so when a customer agrees I'm reassured slightly. When quoting I will have a chat and either be further reassured or not. I've walked away from plenty having had a site visit, other have accepted my quote on the spot, which I know is not the cheapest.

At the end of the day people should no you pay penuts you get monkeys.

I understand that there are migrants doing electrical work in this country that are not trained to BS 7671 . how can their work comply to our regs . When I spent nearly 4 yrs at college the course work was based on BS 7671 16th ed I've had to update to 17th so the training is on going . I think that a licence system should be introduced to any bonafide electrician . They have a scheme set up in Australia where you have to have training and testing to prove your competency the same in the USA where a similar scheme exists before you can attempt any electrical work . Wouldn't that clear up any grey areas Guinness
