That is exactly as it should have been ! I thought I could do that when it first came in . When employed I had a JIB Approved Elect card ....when I became self employed I changed that to an ECS card but none of that meant anything to my Local Building Control .
At that time you often had the builder ...thinking he could save a few his own electrics , no knowledge of our Regs of course so you'd think ,,,,100% improvement , a JIB Approved Electrician is doing it now .......but no...they won't accept him /me as competent for house bashing .
I remember doing a job with an electrical design engineer at the time of Part Pee , highly qualified etc , he wasn't deemed "Competent" to sign off some woe work at his own house . :C
I was also told that the LBC couldn't cope with all the Part Pee notifications coming in and were deleting it all .
This makes me wonder , at first they were taking our certs away to photocopy ..... then they were just looking at the customer copy ....last one I did was all passed off , stamped & sealed ................eight months later I realised we had tested it , filled in the cert and it was still in my pad .