time served sparky, knows how to test for ring continuity, yet asks if its safe or not? surely you should be know the answer, and know how to find the fault, whist as binky says is most likely a loose connection at a socket somewhere...
Ok so how do I this? I will fix whatever it is. I'm all alone on this job. What do I do and what could it be? The Rcd stays in when earth at one socket is disconnected. Split the ring into two radials on 2 20a mcbs? Can't get to cables as customer doesn't want any mess at all. Won't pay for it. Help.
But if he's split the ring, he'd still have a neutral earth fault on one of the legs surelyMy guess is one half of the ring has a N-E short. you really need to check with an insulation tester.
Ok I'm testing the earthfault loop imp. Fine at every socket. Just when earths are together at one socket the rcd trips. Customer wants no mess no floor boards up. What can I do?