I've just called one local company to me that are registered with them & he said stay well clear, no work has been forth coming in the period he has been suckered for.
As for all schools "HAVE"to go through them or view their listing that is out & out bollocks................And if you want death by boredom read on.
First thing to remember is the rules on procurement have recently changed (last March I think) under the need for efficiency of purchasing & procurement.
New EU limits were introduced (for schools it's £172.5K), this sparked off the need for schools & local authority bodies to implement new procurement procedures (we had training on it in April :z ).
This involves a procurement tree showing lower & upper costing limits & the required procurement methods for each level (make any sense yet.....? I was sort of like :C I just install stuff not buy stuff on the training day)
All can still use the framework which is a form of approved contractor list I suppose
Academy trusts (and any other school) can go to whoever they want & can spend their money however they want; they do how ever have to set up an internal procurement system so (i have it on good authority) most just use the system they had with central government before becoming academy trusts or free schools, they just tweak them here & there.
one trust I do work for has a system where:
- work up to £999 can be undertaken & contracted out to any contractor at Headteachers discretion & on a verbal quotation. Academy will retain written conformation of work request & acceptance of verbal quotation.
- work from £1k up to £4999 can go a chosen local contractor on supplied quotations. If the quote comes in above then the works are stepped up to the next level of procurement.
- work from £5k to £50K three suppliers/contractors are asked to supply quotations & one is chosen.
- work above £50K goes to tender along with all contractual terms/conditions that are included to three contractors & the trust set up an evaluation committee
- work above the EU directive go to full tender, where full EU rules apply & the services of a tendering specialist are used.
The schools here that I work at tend to use pro5 or cpc (
http://www.pro5.org/servlet/Search http://www.thecpc.ac.uk/ )for companies & procurement when tendering is required, as it is recommended by the Dept of Ed. Another schools 2014 procurement policy
Dept of Ed doc for Academy procurement gives loads of details.
Other schools (as in old style state/authority school) can do all the above but can also call on the local authority to supply services. All schools will use the "framework" for larger works or contracts as it takes all the hard work out of looking for suitable contractors.
Some info here
So if you have bothered to read to the end of the boring bit my advice is (I've done it)
- write a letter of introduction to the head & bursar list a few basic prices below the £1K level for such things as lamp changes P.A.Ting (I know it's ***** but believe me it gets you in the door on small primary schools).
- Find out who the caretaker is & write to him listing your services.
- Offer out of school hours work (the schools I work at love this, to the point I have my own set of keys in the facilities office at one school now).
- Target the secondary Academies as they will take over the smaller local primary schools as feeders (they get more money for the more students they take on, so if they affiliate primary schools they have a captive student source)
- Once your in with a caretaker he will band your name around other schools so be willing to travel.
- Don't turn down any work no matter how small or trivial.
- Keep the prices realistic.
- You don't have to be vat registered.
- Advertise in the school mags/papers (cost me £30 a year) as parents we bin them but to the head teachers they see it as support from a local family company
- Christmas raffles/auctions offer your services as a prize, you get some free advertising to local parents for your support. (I've offered things like two hours free electrical work or a free visual inspection)
- Teachers will start using you for their own home electrical work so don't turn it away.