Short Circut, Security Light,

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Mohsen Hajsalehi

New member
Apr 28, 2015
Reaction score
Hello there

I was testing one of our security lights tonight with a fuse tester screwdriver, and by mistake I made a short circuit and I think the main fuse for motion sensor light is tripped. Except the security everything else is perfect. I asked the owner of the house and she told me that she can not remember to see any fuse for that. So, I was wondering if you could kindly let me know how I can our security lights. If you need more information, please let me know. Any help is highly appreciated.


so basically you decided to test someone else light by ramming a 'fuse tester screwdriver' into it and now its broke and you dont know how to fix it?

i would suggest calling a competent electrician

Or maybe as his location says New Zealand, he has decided not to use a UK based forum?

Doc H.


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