Are there any benefits of going for, say an 8kw inverter over a 5kw, with a solar PV and battery system?
I assume a 5kw would pull additional power from the grid if demand exceeds 5kw, rather than just switching 100% to grid supply?
I'd also assume that an 8kw inverter will be less stressed running at 4kw than a 5kw?
Our usage is, like most peoples, usually well under 5kw, but there are obviously combinations of applicances that can push the demand towards 8kw for short periods.
Is having a big enough inverter to cover these periods worth the extra cost?
If managing peak load to keep it below the inverter max is important, is there a system of 'smart' power sockets which will load shed to try and keep peak load down to some set limit?
I assume a 5kw would pull additional power from the grid if demand exceeds 5kw, rather than just switching 100% to grid supply?
I'd also assume that an 8kw inverter will be less stressed running at 4kw than a 5kw?
Our usage is, like most peoples, usually well under 5kw, but there are obviously combinations of applicances that can push the demand towards 8kw for short periods.
Is having a big enough inverter to cover these periods worth the extra cost?
If managing peak load to keep it below the inverter max is important, is there a system of 'smart' power sockets which will load shed to try and keep peak load down to some set limit?