Small turbine to charge batteries?

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Scruffy D

Dec 17, 2022
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What's the smallest wind turbine I could purchase that could "trickle" charge and add to my PV battery set up?
10kw Huawei batteries and 6kw solar array. Urban- ish area regular house, top of a hill. I was wondering if there is anything out there ( small enough to fit on a garage roof) that could integrate with my system and “trickle charge” my battery. I had in mind a marine turbin, but would they be compatible with a domestic 48v setup?
The most popular wind turbines for marine use are either 12v or 24v so, no use with a 48v system.
Also you would need an inverter that could accept a wind turbine or one that has 2 inputs, one of which must be free.
But the best thing to do would be to buy an Anemometer (Click the link, cheapest one) and check the wind speed in the proposed location, you will be looking for a wind speed of 5m/sec at the minimum, anything less or not constant would be a waste of time.
Wind turbines are good on boats because they are out at sea with nothing in the way to slow wind down, but in urban areas, not so good, but you may be the lucky one :) hence get an anemometer first.
We used a 1kW small turbine on a model flying club clubhouse to provide lighting and keep alarm batteries topped up. We were in a field surrounded by flat land agricultural fields. The turbine was a complete failure, very noisy, high revving constantly revving up then slowing down as it charged it was really annoying. We tried several different small scale wind turbines and chargers all with the same result. In the end we put solar panels flat on the roof and that was fine.
Wind is not a problem where we live, but it’s a shame there isn’t something out there that could top up a domestic 48v battery. Even a few hundred watts over 24 hours could make a difference.

Anyone fancy making one?
You might think wind is no problem, but I still suggest you get an anemometer to find out for sure. (Pointless wasting your money, but then it's not my money) I thought where I am, and where I put my turbine it would rotate a little bit, it didn't, it just made a "nice" decoration.
I have been looking at small wind turbines for some time, most of them are made in China (a lot of electronic goods are) I would say flames are most unlikely, but the main problem is wind speed, or lack of, as johnb2713 pointed out, "they" tried several, all to no avail, I have come to the conclusion you must have a horizontal turbine, as opposed to a vertical turbine, it should have an upward pointing tail, not downward pointing tail, but you really should check wind speed first, you could well be in an open area, but if that area gets little wind or low wind speed a turbine is not for you.

I've looked at small wind turbnes many times, and concluded I woud be better off spending the money on other things. I was looking at 400/500w units that would trickle leccy into the house overnight, but a small grid tied wind inverter is another £600, and if you work on the basis that it will work at about 50W most of the time, the numbers just didn't add up. Have a read of the Amazon reviews, they are every informative.