Ooooerrrmmmm, It was a young lady i knew years ago. She was on the game... Cannot remember how i met her now, but anyway, i used to get on well with her, she was a nice person..
Sometimes i used to take her to meet punters! [i would hide around the corner of course]
I remember once, i had to take her to a local railway station as a punter wanted to "do business" shall we say, in the bushes outside!!!! When she came back to the car, she was going mad, cos it was not who she was expecting, he had sent his mate instead!!!!
Another time i took her to meet someone late at night on one of them retail parks. She said, "when you see the bloke, have a look at his face if you can. When we get back have another look, and see the state of him" ????
Turns out that this bloke was paying her wads of cash to beat him up and kick him in the face!!!! Takes all sorts i suppose!!!!
She could tell you some funny stories!!!! It would make you laugh!!! I asked her once what the most popular "service" was. I was quite surprised really. I cannot write such things on this forum, but let us say she would take lots of money off you to sit there and, well, sit there, while....How can i put this delicately.... What can i say.... it would be something along the same lines as having a dog and barking oneself!!!!! if you understand!!!!!
Anyway, time moved on, and we lost contact. Some time ago though, i entered her name into facebook, and there she was.... sort of advertising in a covert sort of way, she was using it to take bookings i think..
Anyway, i met a few of her friends too...What can i say about these girls.... First off, never forget, that they too once wanted a nice husband, and a nice house, and kids and a car, just like every other girl, but they lost their way in life a bit.
A few of them are just plain old nasty junkies, they do it out of choice, and they would rob anyone, or do anything to get money. They are not nice people.... A few of them are, basically though, bullied into doing it to support their boyfriend...
All junkie boys will tell you they burgle houses to get their drugs, no they do not, they might burgle houses yes, but they have all got a girlfriend on the game.
The average girl, was just that, average, not at all like you would think, just wanted to earn easy money...Some were genuinely nice people. There were a few that should not have been there, they were just out of their depth, but others could look after themselves, trust me on that.
Others were just as nice, but saw it as a proper business, in much the same way as you all run your electrical firms.
I used to drop my friend off at houses sometimes, and she would come back 20 minutes later with about