Hang on a moment, I don't think its quite as cut and dry as that. Im not claiming to be an expert on part M but ...
just to adress your point - sockets at work top height comply with part M due to them being above 450mm and below 1200m - so if your complying with part M they cant be at any old height for general use. But this point only applys if part M applies, this is where my confusion comes in ,
If you add more sockets and extra switches(ie 2 way) than there were there previously, are you not making it comply less than it did previously? does material change only apply to a change of use? I think the wording is pretty ambiguous ( as normal)
and im just throwing this out there, but if you have the opportunity to comply i thought you had to? or at the very least you should do it as it is good practise. why would u advise not to do something that can be done very easily , just for the sake of not doing it ? Im not saying what your saying is wrong, by general consensus it seems that it is I who has misinterpreted part M requirements. Its very hard to find a difinitve answer on the web.