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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2009
Reaction score
Peak District
Just got my 2330 level 3 results

301 - Distinction

302 - Credit

303 - Distinction

Time to relax and have someGuinnessGuinnessGuinnessGuinness

Do you remember any of the questions in any of the exams or do you know what you had to do for your testing and inspection exams??

Thanks all

To be honest I can't recall any questions from the written exam, but it is open book so you have the BRB to help you.

In terms of the practicle

Inspection and testing was just that, a mock up board to emulate a typical domestic set up, test it and fill in the forms as if it was a new install.

Fault finding, same thing except there where faults on the board, 3 visual and 6 electrical. Visual not hard to spot, loose wires, missing covers on lights etc.

As regards the electical faults, dont go looking for them, just do the tests and they will come to you. And in this case we had to fill out the forms as if it was a PIR. To be honest i found level three a lot easier than level two, but that just be me. Level three is more theory than practise, and the practise you do have to do is easier. (At least it is for me at my age) no conduit to bend :)

The one bit of advice I will give, dont forget the health and safty parts of it that adds up to a lot of marks.

Any more questions just ask and if I can help I will.


Hi Phil

i got the 302 and 303 coming coming

Could you let me know what test you did for 302 and how you did them please.


:Applaud Well done Phil I'm awaiting my 302 & 303 results it is easier than level 2, had the inspect & test practical go thru all your dead tests & then our live tests & a wk later we had the fault finding visual screws missing labels missing gromit missing nice & easy & we did our test to find the faults like cont in light circuit polarity issues ring main broken much more enjoyable than that conduit stuff

remember some questions in 302 like describe a bar char & critical network path, name building material a sparky comes in contact with, draw a earth loop impedance test, name certificate issued in a alteration, 303, what test is measured in ohms, milliseconds,Ka, Megaohms, safe isolation procedure, draw a earth fault loop path in a t.n.s system that all i can recall now
