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Junior Member
Jul 31, 2012
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.... Yep , you guessed it .... The NICEIC.

So I'm 3 weeks into my ELECSA registration and having just been to quote a fairly big job , thats how it turned out.

Insurance requirement apparently

I would have a word with elescsa to look into this contact on your behalf, perhaps they could speak to the insurance co. & persuade them that there are other scam providers apart from the holy NIC. I'm with NAPIT & know that they will do this for me should I require it

This used to really **** me off...

..until I joined the NIC!

Still not very fair though.

Belive lt or not, my wife no's a very nice family just a few door's down from us, and they are the same, they will only have the nic spark's. my van's marked up so its hard to miss on the drive, but im with Elecsa.

It does take the pea when i drive past and there vans are there. Im just waiting till they have a fault and can't get there usual guy's and nock on, my reply will be its my day off :slap

Tell them their insurance is covered, "NICEIC means Part P, and I'm Part P registered"

Failing that, just say you're with an NICEIC body to shut them up.

I reckon elecsa might offer to help if requested .... But, then the persons already got NICEIC stamped in their mind .... And as always is in a rush so will just call an niceic electrician and be done with it ....

This is only the first time its happened to me, but having read threads like this before I wasn't suprised. No matter , not doing to bad anyway

Like your style ash ! ..... If u can't beat em ....

Tell them their insurance is covered, "NICEIC means Part P, and I'm Part P registered"Failing that, just say you're with an NICEIC body to shut them up.
Very poor advice !!!

This wont be the last time it happens either. Insurance companies, councils, trusts & householders can ask for whoever they want. Elecsa can't do nowt about it. I know this from personal experience

I've come across this a couple of times with insurance companies .

Theres a fierce lady at ELECSA who deals with it , points out that ELECSA is also the ECA . It smoothed the waters anyway. We were carrying out a full inspection and report for a printing firm where we'd installed 95% of everything anyway but insurers were insisting upon an NICEIC contractor to inspect .

Hmmmm, not sure it is legal, Illegal restriction of trade and all that...

I know the insurance company can say what they like, but think of it like this, so can a garage, or the DVLA come to that, but if a garage refused to issue an mot on the grounds that "you have to have dunlop tyres" or the Dvla refused to tax it on the grounds that, "the garage that did the mot was painted blue" then that would hardly be legal, now would it......

If you are with a scam, you are with a scam, it is as simple as that...

I would phone Elecsa, they will soon but them straight....


for the insurance thing, the DVLA dont tell you you must use AA insurance, you can use whatever insurance company you want, usually the one with the best deal,

so, a householder[or whoever] can use whatever scheme member they want, and any electrician can go to whatever scheme gives them the best deal,

notice where I havent said anywhere the cheapest, or whoever will take you,

some insurance companies will refuse to insure you if you are under a certain age, live in a certain area, have points etc,

so a householder can refuse to use you if you are a member of a certain scheme,

its called a free market, democracy kinda works on that sort of principle, free choice.

Like everyone, insurance companies have to set certain guidelines, and stating must be a NICEIC Approved contractor probably dates back before Part P schemes came about.

The OP did not say if it was domestic work, obviously if it's outside of domestic they normally insist on NIC or ECA Approved contractors who are deemed to have experience in aspects and assessed as such. This may not be the case in the real world though.

This topic keeps cropping up and always highlights a level of business naiveity with how the free market works. LABC's must accept all schemes. But private businesses can make their own selection choices. Doc H

Whilst I agree to an extent with you Doc, I do believe that this was as said something Pre part p and the paperwork has probably not been revised since the evolution of the numerous schemes. So the insurance companies and the like just keep churning out the same one liner as a habit rather than preferred choice. Only my opinion to which I could well be wrong.

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This topic keeps cropping up and always highlights a level of business naiveity with how the free market works. LABC's must accept all schemes. But private businesses can make their own selection choices. Doc H
Although if its for work they are paying for in one of there own properties then they can insist on any body or scheme membership. Once again i know this from personel experiance.

Afraid your dealing with Dinosaurs there! I belong to NIC-EIC for this reason, nobody said I wanted to join NIC but when it comes to being counted if you can say you belong to the NIC-EIC, very few people will question that. I guess its a bit like "Hoovers" or "Hilti". I would write to the company concerned enclosing details on the whole scam setup and explaining the 5 scam runners and especially point out that if they ask for NIC they almost certainly would allow an ECA contractor to bid and as it has already been pointed out Elecsa is ECA.

Never mind console yourself thinking how many rogue traders have been prosecuted after doing domestic electrical work when unregistered - NOT!

As Doc H says, this has come up many, many times.

I`ve never known ANY company to say they ONLY want Napit, or Elecsa contractors.........but they could if they wanted to, and there is nothing I can do about that.

It is one of the reasons many of the guys are with NICEIC - it doesn`t limit the jobs you can take in any way - and it used to mean something.

Sadly, that isn`t the case anymore - anyone in any scam membership can be deemed "competent"; even when the standard of work makes it blatantly obvious that they`re possibly competent to cross the street without adult supervision......but we`re (I`m) getting off the point now.

There was a thread about this before (2-3 yrs ago), when it was pointed out that any private individual / company can request anything they want.

"We`ll only employ you if you send us a female, brunette electrician, registered with the ECA, who wears blue overalls". That may seem unreasonable, but the customer can make whatever stipulations they want.

If you`re selling a car, and a (prospective) buyer `phones up, asks the make & model - and is happy. Then asks what colour it is, and you say "white" - he says "Oh. I wanted a blue one", and doesn`t buy your car - are you going to complain? Of course not - what you have isn`t what they want.

Same with insurance - I expect most of the domestic guys have either 2 or 5 million PLI..........mine WAS 10. Then we had a prospective customer who demanded 20 - our choice was either up the insurance, or lose the chance of the work.......this is how the market works. Deal with it.
