Rewires in a day eh! You must have earned the gaffer a lot of money , so were you doing 5 rewires a week or what ?
I remember a mate starting with a firm who were wiring a new build estate near here (Chelmsley Wood) years ago. I asked how he was getting on there. His answer. " Its all house bashing on this firm , sparks are earning megabucks doing 1st /2nd fixes ,driving round in the latest cars. They won't let me on it , I'm doing all the remedials , every house has wiring faults, missing cables etc , they gave me a repair kit , cable , crimp lugs ,JBs, connectors "
I remember they were working 7 days , new build, a 1st or 2nd fix in a day . Long time ago though.
I think they were earning a weeks normal pay for a sparks in 2 days.