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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2009
Reaction score
Hi to all,

I was wondering if anyone had ever heard of Agilent? (without google)

Does it/them mean anything to you guys?

This is not a trick question just a bit of market research.

Yep and I've used their kit some time ago used a waterfall spectum analyser of thiers to do some noise analysis on machine tools at a F**d plant. It was theirs they used it for vehicle noise analysis.

Was a division of HP I think at one time.

They make analysis kit minly high end lab stuff I thought.

Scopes spectrum analysers and other trick kit.

Often found in laboratories resarch areas etc.?


BTW, just gonna ring with an order for you!


I have not heard of them, will have a quick google to see what I know nothing about.

I know what your on about here so I'll keep quiet. Thanks for the fluke voltstick . Ordered Tuesday afternoon received Wednesday morning. Thanks mark a1 service. Cheers

Hi to all,

I was wondering if anyone had ever heard of Agilent? (without google)

Does it/them mean anything to you guys?

This is not a trick question just a bit of market research.

Other than the fact that a bloke on our forum mentioned them.....

oops that was you! :Blushing :innocentWet Fish

I had a quick look through, the bench stuff is well above what I would ever need, but some of the handheld multi and clamp meters made me sit up and look deeper.

They look good quality top notch stuff, but like most things its down to use and price.

Factors that I find usefull but will seldom use are all included in the basic models.

To be honest I am impressed at what they can do.

Thanks to everyone who posted a reply:SaluteIt was as i expected, We are thinking of stocking this product, they are Hewlett Packard and are number one or two in USA.

If anyone would like to look at the range of testers at the link below and let me know what you think it would be most appreciated.

Good to see that any supplier would try to ask the people who will eventually buy the product, would ask in the first place.

Pleae keep us updated as to which way you go.

As a forum sponser I think you are growing on me :)

Again thanks for all your commments, I have a meeting with them next week and will let you know how it goes. :D
