Fixed that for youDP RCBO boards should have been mandated in AMD2 - IMHO.
Fixed that for you
Thank you both, were MCB/RCD's very dangerous then, I didn't hear anything about them?
Yes, in the perfect world, but what do we mere mortals at the coal face actually know because it seems that we are not listened too
The powers-that-be are far to busy deciding what minor changes they can dream up to justify AMD 3
The LFB fire stats didn't make sense when you compared them to all the other UK brigades stats combined for consumer unit fires. I looked into the stats at the time and consumer unit fires in the rest of the UK were at less than 10% of the LFB numbers at there peakThe regs don't make sence and it came about due to pressure from the London fire Brigade. Fireman are good at what they do but they are not electricians.
The LFB fire stats didn't make sense when you compared them to all the other UK brigades stats combined for consumer unit fires. I looked into the stats at the time and consumer unit fires in the rest of the UK were at less than 10% of the LFB numbers at there peak
Leaving children unsupervised with alcohol is very naughtyAdmittedly I have been left unsupervised with a bottle of Merlot