Strangest Payment

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Put a submain in to a shed/bunker at a gamekeepers place down the New forest way & payment turned into a day at the butt's  :shotgun:  & lunch was spiced squirrel stew & venison steaks cooked over a monster open fire.


Did some work years back on an old wheat dryer.  The farmer said he was a little short that week but could pay me in chickens!!

quite a few years ago now, I did some work for a sculptor/furniture maker friend. Part of the payment was a hang glider. I had to go to flying school to learn how to fly it though :)

Strangest payment i ever had was £30, an air rifle, and a Hillman imp!!

Strangest payment i ever made was about £7.50 in change, and a box of cakes to a "self employed young lady" !!!!! [They were Mr Kipling cakes though!!!!!]


Just off the top of my head:

Venison from a gamekeeper.

Weight set from a prison officer.

Front wall of my house painted by another prisoner officer.
