I'd use a suitable DB / panel board at the origin with integral landlord metering and circuit breakers feeding each location for each supply via suitable sub mains to individual DB's in the flats with main bonding at each DB in case any tenant had a bit of a fiddle!
Mind my preference would be to get the DNO to drop a supply into each flat!
Until we know the total loads with diversity then we can't really advise the cable size as we don't know the load.
Also, we don't know the U values of the building to assess the heating load.
Do you have the heating requirement yet?
You could just allow around 40A per dwelling like the DNO do excluding the heating.
However, you could still need to "fuse" at 60/63/80A so you would need cable to cope with this.
I don't know the distances to calculate the cable sizes.
It seems like you are designing this rather than just installing?
IF you are designing then you have statute law duties under CDM which you must comply with.
It does not seem that you have enough info yet to comply with this?