Tax avoidance and well known comedian .

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
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Can you actually blame the guy when you hear that when these highly paid guys go on tour , presume pop stars are much the same , 90% of the gigs is hoovered up by the treasury .

Given the chance to pay less tax who wouldn't go for it ?

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They talked about it on question time you know the MP's that claim for expenses then lecture us on tax avoidance. My thoughts are let me know his accountant so I can pay a bit less tax.

Well Zee that took a bit of finding HOC quick search found Honda owners club I thought what's that got to do with the price of fish the HOL came up with house of lords so it then made sense house of commons please don't use these short cuts on a Saturday night.

I've heard these comments before , some years back, a pop star does ,say 20 concerts , the money from the first 18 goes in tax .

I think in the '60 The Beatles were paying 99p in the

I pay as less tax as i can possibly get away with through my accountant - all legal - so what am I ?The ministers are the next best thing to crooks regarding earnings, expense and ripping off the taxpayer.....
The only difference between politicians and the mafia is a gun!! Both will rip you as soon as look at you.

I pay the least amount of tax I can , I don't avoid paying it. It takes a certain amount of money to run a country if you avoid paying it I don't think you have any right to complain about standards. I'm aiming this at high earners like mentioned sitting in 16million pound mansions. DC was right to name him and good on him for having the balls to do it I'm sure most would not have through fear of reprisal.

I hear Ireland and Greece are lit on tax wonder what it's like there?

everyone tries to pay as less tax as possible within the law, which is exactly what he was doing. morally wrong maybe, but he hasnt broke any laws

at least it isnt fraud like certain other MP's...

I just don't see what the law has got to do with it, why do we need a law to tell us what to do? If loop holes were found for other laws would that be ok to?

Dunno why but I think I'm coming across as quite argumentative today, no idea why got out the right side of bed!

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I pay the least amount of tax I can , I don't avoid paying it. It takes a certain amount of money to run a country if you avoid paying it I don't think you have any right to complain about standards. I'm aiming this at high earners like mentioned sitting in 16million pound mansions. DC was right to name him and good on him for having the balls to do it I'm sure most would not have through fear of reprisal. I hear Ireland and Greece are lit on tax wonder what it's like there?
But these people sitting in 16 million pound mansions probably employ 10+ people full time, providing jobs, then you have all the trades they bring in to keep the place running, the knock-on is huge, so people with money enable us to earn money and that's how it works, if anything blame the Romans.

Couldn't agree more I work for a few millionaires, spend money left right and centre, I'm not saying chase them away, just the same with the financial sector and the amount that employs. But bring them to account, if it's morally fine they shouldn't mind if it's wrong they will mind and might change their ways and make things a little easier for the rest of the money grabbing country!

I think personally that it was ill considered of David Cameron to target Jimmy Carr. He has now said, after the event that his commenting was "an exception", in effect backing down maybe? There have been noises made about his late fathers tax affairs - again totally legal and his silence on apparent Tory backers such as Gary Barlow was telling. As for Jimmy, difficult situation; he could have said "I'm doing nothing illegal, there are plenty of others using similar schemes and it's up to the others to change the law if it's an issue!". Why didn't he throw some back at DC? Maybe it's a conspiracy, maybe he's the fall guy, maybe they should look into Gary's parents tax affairs, I'm sure Ken and Deirdre have a few skeletons in their closet.............

The big thing that gets me is the 2nd house allowance, if you want to work away from home then pay your own digs,

Ive had to do that for the majority of my working life, nobody paid my rent for me.

I think personally that it was ill considered of David Cameron to target Jimmy Carr. He has now said, after the event that his commenting was "an exception", in effect backing down maybe? There have been noises made about his late fathers tax affairs - again totally legal and his silence on apparent Tory backers such as Gary Barlow was telling. As for Jimmy, difficult situation; he could have said "I'm doing nothing illegal, there are plenty of others using similar schemes and it's up to the others to change the law if it's an issue!". Why didn't he throw some back at DC? Maybe it's a conspiracy, maybe he's the fall guy, maybe they should look into Gary's parents tax affairs, I'm sure Ken and Deirdre have a few skeletons in their closet.............
Maybe as governments don't usually name individuals I personally think its done it's job. How can he have much of a go back, he's been doing it so just hold your hands up and say you won't do it again.

Benefit cheats are frowned upon as they should be hopefully the same will be thought of this sort of tax dodging.

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 16:22 ---------- Previous post was made at 16:22 ----------

The big thing that gets me is the 2nd house allowance, if you want to work away from home then pay your own digs,Ive had to do that for the majority of my working life, nobody paid my rent for me.
It's the opposite if you are paye though.

But these people sitting in 16 million pound mansions probably employ 10+ people full time, providing jobs, then you have all the trades they bring in to keep the place running, the knock-on is huge, so people with money enable us to earn money and that's how it works, if anything blame the Romans.
What did the Romans ever do for us ? :D

The only difference between politicians and the mafia is a gun!! Both will rip you as soon as look at you.
Ah You must have seen my often posted quote from an old Woody Guthrie folk song:-

As through this world I've travelled

I met many crooked men,

Some will rob you with a sixgun

And some with a fountain pen.
