dont be daft. it went up for those who dont since they are now at more risk
daylight running lights
it became a requirement for vehicles to have daylight running lights
But what is this?
When, what vehicles? Not seen this
it isn't all bad :^O
some of the points are genuine, eg silver cars are harder to see in a mist / road spray, but mostly you can expect no loyalty for remaining with the same company. On top of this the change to more extreme weather has hit insurance companies hard, so they will be/ are keen to recover costs. As with all things I change insurer every year, but I have also taken to using an insurance broker, it's much easier and they keep coming up trumps on costs.
Might have to agree to disagree there. I am struggling to find evidence of that.
One of the problems is how car designers and makers are allowed to circumvent the laws to make things look "pretty".Well, that is bizarre because one of my pet hates is the fact you can't see indicators nowadays. So making cars safer has now made them more dangerous? Well done. Just makes you want to drive into people on purpose. I hate being alive sometimes (all times).
Can I throw in two of my motoring pet hates here ...just for the hell of it ?
1) If , say , 30 emergency vehicles , Fire , Police , Ambulance are attending a major incident anywhere in Britain , is it absolutely necessary for all 30 of them to have their high intensity emergency lights flashing for the next 6 hours , bathing the scene in a stroboscopic nightmare .?
2) And as I've said before , while a pick-up truck is on the roadway winching up a broken down car I can see the purpose of his orange strobe flashers ...but once he has set off with the vehicle on board it is just another truck on the road ...big deal , it has a car on the back , but why is it necessary to still have the strobes going until he gets back to his depot . Risk is over , its just another truck .
I suppose its like what I remember seeing on local TV some years ago ...... Presenter says the local Fire Brigade are fitting some free battery Smoke Detectors for elderly folk . No problem with that but the following film clip showed two Fire vehicles arriving with the Great Big Important Fire Chief bedacked in medals and such ......then a fireman in full uniform , great big boots , big yellow helmet with perspex visor down , ear muffs & gloves ....goes up one step & screws a smoke detector to the ceiling .