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Jan 21, 2014
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Hi As I have now taken out my gas fire my only means of heating my house is my gas heating. One day we will have a power cut and I will have no form of heat. I propose to change the electrical supply for my heating from a fused spur to a plug and socket so I can use a generator and plug in the heating via a long extension lead. The question is,can I switch the main circuit board OFF,then connect the generator via a double plug extension lead into a socket in the garage and feed not only the heating but also some lights. This all seems wrong I know but comparing power to water( me a plumber) seems logical. Don't forget this will not be routine,only in an emergency,and with only me and my wife at home,quite controlled. A local firm rewired the whole house 18 months ago so I ran my proposal past the lads who considered it at length and said no. But I know a man who has done such a thing as I propose. Think about it

that lead is more commonly known as a widow maker. guess why. Darwin award coming your way, just hopefully it kills you first and not some innocent person through your stupidity. either do it properly or not at all

Hi thanks for the comment The electricians mentioned a switch but said there was no space in the small area to install one. Can you explain why my thinking that switching off the mains would not be sufficient Cheers

Hi thanks for the comment The electricians mentioned a switch but said there was no space in the small area to install one. Can you explain why my thinking that switching off the mains would not be sufficient Cheers

Plugs and sockets are designed so that if a lead is accidentally unplugged there will be no live pins exposed that could be touched causing injury. Plug pins will be dead if one end of the lead is disconnected. Socket contacts are recessed or shielded to prevent accidental touch as the socket could be live if one end of a lead is disconnected. Electricity can kill a healthy adult in less than half a second. Any person considering making or using a lead with incorrectly wired plugs exhibits a distinct lack of basic electrical knowledge and safe working. No competent professional electrician would every condone or suggest such a lead is a sensible item to construct. As has been said back-up supplies can be wired into an installation with appropriate connections and changeover switches such that they will always operate in a fail safe manner.

Doc H.

Hi thanks for the comment The electricians mentioned a switch but said there was no space in the small area to install one. Can you explain why my thinking that switching off the mains would not be sufficient Cheers
its not the switching off thats the problem, its the lead you want to use. it could easily be plugged in accidently etc. if you really want to find out why you shouldnt make one, go ahead and make one. plug in one end, then touch the pins on the other end. report back with your findings (or instruct someone else to do so incase you dont survive)

if you still dont understand, stick to plumbing. worst case is you may get wet. but at least you will be alive

Hi I can't believe you guys think I can't see the danger in the two plug lead This proposal in for an emergency use by ME. The situation must have arisen when you have had a bare live cable for a short time under your strict control. I am wondering if I might have logged on to a HSE site as no one has answered my question.

Hi I can't believe you guys think I can't see the danger in the two plug lead
then why the hell are you asking? what you are proposing is dangerous. end of.

but your going to do it anyway. just make sure your the idiot plugging it in so your the one who risks getting killed, instead of some innocent person

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What you have proposed is not acceptable.

Electricity is not like water.

You would be bypassing too many safety devices in the installation.

A widow maker is just that.

Install the correct method of connecting up the genny, it's not hard.

Do you have any RCD protection in your installation?

IF you do, then it is obviously needed, and your "bypass" will negate the function of this, and is lethal.

Basically as others have said, what you want to do is downright dangerous and has killed people.

In fact I personally know a spark who ended up in hospital because some muppet house holder had used a widow maker to power a socket he was asked to work on, he isolated the socket circuit, but, when he unplugged the widow maker he had a severe shock.

Upon investigation, the house holder had used a widow maker to power up the double socket, as it would not normally work so he could have his TV on.

Just don't do it, connect the genny up correctly.

..but your going to do it anyway. just make sure your the idiot plugging it in so your the one who risks getting killed, instead of some innocent person
All jokes aside absolutely definitely don't do it. Unfortunately it's the DNO guys that are also likely to get killed, your dangerously wired generator can make cabling live all the way back to the high voltage distribution network, the risk to life isn't just in your premises so you don't have the right to even consider it as an option.

I notice it says in your list of qualifications it says you are time served well I will say one thing what you are proposing to do could insure you serve time. This is not a HSE site just a site of electricians that seem to have more common sense than you seem to. Of course all this could be a wind up as to me only a moron would do what you are thinking. 


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