The Big Lock in .

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
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Yesterday was busy ,   pulled up a few weeds,   re- adjusted  one of our PIR floods that seems to come on & off all night .  

Took a  Kipper Tie up to the garage / storage facility / workshop...... released the handbrake on the van , pushed it 1 mtr & looked in the back ..thought about a tidy up . 

Cleared   the workbench  .  Moved some stuff from A to B .    

Back to the house to make a shopping list .

Today  .   A cheque arrived , paid it in on way to queue up at supermarket , did shopping ,  returned,  read book in the sunshine .   Put the bins out.   

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I finished a job today, that I started on Monday.  Only job No 4 this month.

Tomorrow I will cut the lawn, go for a walk etc.

Yesterday I took my Landrover out for it's first run of the year. Down to the town to do some shopping, well you have to have a reason to drive anywhere at the moment so I could not go for a drive without having a valid destination.

Last week I finished cutting all next years firewood.

Well I have bitten the bullet and started tidying the garage...been at it 2 weeks now

found loads of 400/300/240mm cable lugs

stripped some cable

re lit the garage workshop with 8 x twin 35W T5s.  As I had some that I Took out of a job

sorthed my eBay area out

made 3 walking sticks.....4th on the go

oiled the decking.....second coat tomorrow

started to paint the fence

cut the grass

sharpened all my drill bits and lathe tools

sorted out all,of the Rooting boxes full of screws washers nuts bolts fuses 

not got as far as tidying the van out yet....but I can get to bits f garage that have been out of bounds for years......still currently enjoying it, keeping occupied and not bored

Never leave home without  a 240mm  crimp lug .     Bin them man !!   You'll  never use 'em now. 
Yeah but no, but yeah but no, but.    IVe got 3 BFO hydraulic crimp tools to squish 'em wiv innit ....1 BICC Burdy along with the "nest an pin" dies, 2 Cembre one of which is fibre glass for those slightly moody jobs. All proper jobbies not el cheapo kung-po 💩 

I might  not use this again though....IMG_1483.JPG

deffo one for ebay

prob not that many folk on here know what it is

Today  .   A cheque arrived , paid it in on way to queue up at supermarket

Wow, don’t you pay cheques using your bank app and your smart phone?

my day was very busy ..... got up to make sure our son was up for work, did some admin, finished off sorting all the photos downloaded from my phone, chatted to a neighbour for an hour, got a call out .. very easy fix, collected my order from Wickes and fixed the roof of my wood store .... and our new computer arrived (setting it up tomorrow)

also tomorrow evening is the you tube “pub quiz” - to be recommended 

Wow, don’t you pay cheques using your bank app and your smart phone?
You're kidding me ...right ?     

I know nothing of such things .

With the Great Natwest Branch disappearance  trick  I was left with one branch in an area I'd rather not frequent  ,  but discovered they'd done a deal with the Post Office , special envelope , insert paying in slip & cheque , hand to PO lady.  Job done . 

Seems I have the one customer  who pays by cheque now ,  during the great lock in   I sent my details to them for BACs payments .  

It dawned on me about two years ago TBH  what a PITA  they are now .   Paying the garage for some work on the van  I took out the cheque book ,  Mac  goes "Oh no not a cheque ."       It won't bounce I'm saying .    

No he says ,  I have to get in the car , drive  6 miles to Sutton Coldfield , park , walk ,  wait in a queue , hand over your piece of paper ,  walk to car , drive back here .   Don't you have a card ?     Yes .  Well use it then . 

I took his point as I was doing the same .    

 IVe got 3 BFO hydraulic crimp tools to squish 'em wiv innit ....
I used to hire those ,  the last time I had a right game finding someone , as the wholesaler who used to hire them out closed up . 

Now its unlikely to occur  these days but if it did , could I hire from you ,  We'd pay carriage etc .      Doubt we'd take on anything like that these days  .  

Last time we blagged the   DNO guy  to use his .   

Stripped down my garden seat, put it through my thickeniser to remove all the old varnish, just finishing that when my woodworker mate phoned up saying that the RCD was tripping in his workshop, tried to sort it over phone, nfg, drove over and quickly found a N&E fault, luckily he is an honest bloke and told me what he had been mucking about with (2 old sockets), sorted that.

Good thing was that while I was there I noted he had a good stock of teak oil, ideal for my garden seat I think, so I went away with 2 tins of it. Everyone’s happy.

Wow, don’t you pay cheques using your bank app and your smart phone?

Lloyds have had this faculty for quite a while now

Very handy as Lloyd’s closed the branch I could walk to, making my nearest branch in town , an 8 mile round trip and £1.40 per hour parking ...

I'm with Lloyds, seen it but not set it up yet. I assume you are using this facility with a "business account" not a personal account?

If yes..  Is it still the same bank charges for paying in via phone+App?

The last few cheques I've had to pay in, I also needed to pay in some cash, so a visit to bank was needed anyway...

But with current queues to get in everywhere...

it may be useful to set up for any future potential cheque payments.  

(But saying that I have also recently started using a Card-Payment terminal that has so far proved quite a successful tool to get money off customers efficiently!)

Our local Lloyds branch has 2x cashpoint + 2x paying in terminals inside the entrance...

But due to the "Two Metre" rule only one of each is operational...

And only two to the three "real-people" counter desks are open at any time...

With a staff controlled one-out, one-in system!

So Bank Visits are almost as much of a PITA as trying to buy Loo roll, hand soap & flour all in the same shop!!!!!



Thank goodness Beer and crisps/nuts are still quite accessible!!

(AKA essential purchases.) :slap

I used to hire those ,  the last time I had a right game finding someone , as the wholesaler who used to hire them out closed up . 

Now its unlikely to occur  these days but if it did , could I hire from you ,  We'd pay carriage etc .      Doubt we'd take on anything like that these days  .  

Last time we blagged the   DNO guy  to use his .   
No problem

With regard to the "lock-in-jobs"......

its a varying combination of numerous tasks that may or may-not overlap each other, depending upon the priority level/waiting time/progress of previous day/number of years waiting on the pending file/happiness bonus points from the wife upon completion/complexity -vs- a simple task....

So far I have.....

Sanded painted/varnished 2x bedside cabinets. (originally built by my late father-in-law, who was a carpenter, so Mrs Spec-Loc was keeping a Very close watch over progress!).

Sanded painted/varnished 4x kitchen stools..  (Ikea, so less critical inspection than the bedside cabinets)

Dismantle, sand, varnish, wire-wool, re varnish, re-assemble, wooden, three-level, cantilever sewing box, that sister-in-law picked up from a car-boot...  many... many months ago... (Mrs Spec-Loc does a fair amount of sewing related activities!)

Assemble new compost frame, then put several garden bags of compostable material Into new frame.  (old rotting frame dismantled back around Christmas time with some compost spread over garden.. but other not quite ready stuff temp put into "large garden bags"...)

Trim hedge between us and neighbours front gardens!

Dismantle one set of shelves in garage to be re-assembled elsewhere in garage...

Empty old shelf-cum-display-unit in lounge, to be repositioned in garage to make MORE storage space for real essential tools etc... !!!!!!!!!!


I'm with Lloyds, seen it but not set it up yet. I assume you are using this facility with a "business account" not a personal account?

If yes..  Is it still the same bank charges for paying in via phone+App?

The last few cheques I've had to pay in, I also needed to pay in some cash, so a visit to bank was needed anyway...

Re Lloyds - its available on business and personal accounts - the charge is the same as if I've walked into a bank - but I'm not bothered by that because it saves me the time and costs of going into town

Re cash, unless its a few hundred quid it goes in my cash tin / wallet and use it to pay suppliers where I would normally use my credit card and / or fill up the van . Obviously this is declared.
