Of course she should be allowed back,
Then questioned by MI5/MI6
Then tried for treason and hung.!
It's really fairly simple.
Then questioned by MI5/MI6
Then tried for treason and hung.!
It's really fairly simple.
The Voice of Reason has returnedOf course she should be allowed back,
Then questioned by MI5/MI6
Then tried for treason and hung.!
It's really fairly simple.
now that she isnt a citizen then she can come illegally and get a house & plenty benefits...
No one ever , ever does that ....do they Andy ?now that she isnt a citizen then she can come illegally and get a house & plenty benefits...
She'll probably borrow her sisters passport!
h34r: Passport photo ...somehow they all look the same .
just like post boxes
Well we mustn't upset the minorities must we . ?
I live in Birmingham ....how do you think I feel ?I’m white, heterosexual, middle class, married .... and constantly feel sidelined
I live in Birmingham ....how do you think I feel ?
Totally agree with your comments, I'm sick of the black man/white woman thing on tv, but then again I'm sick of the whole forced issue, apparently, the Met police need to recruit more from the 'black and ethnic minorities group' in order to have the equal representation. Whatever happened to getting the right person for the job? I can see it now, a bloke goes for an interview, "sorry mate, you've got all the right qualifications and the experience, but unfortunately, you're the wrong colour".That nonsense has escalated since then In my opinion .
I remember the American media deciding , or were ordered , to begin showing black people in more responsible positions in society etc . instead of bad guys .
All of a sudden in the US media , all the judges became black , and all the police Chief Detectives became black , all so obvious it has become ludicrous .
In the UK its the fashion now to showing a black guy with a white woman for no particular purpose , as if they are getting every one used to it . The last college prospectus I received , if I remember correctly , didn't actually have any white people in the photos at all , plenty of African tribal dress , burkahs (Whatever) Vietnamese & Rasta,s .
It needs to to left to occur naturally , if its forced upon people they react against it .
Just let it happen , half the electricians I talk to at the wholesalers are asian or black , we get on , because of the common cause I suppose .
It works if you don't force it on people , anyone remember the first black footballer you saw on TV , I think he played for West Ham , forgot the name , but he looked odd & out of place then , but not now .
One of the most respected sportsmen in this area was Cyril Regis , played for Villa & West Brom , he was liked for who he was , his manner , his attitude , he rose above the racist comments from the brainless in the crowd to become a local hero . We forgot he was black , he was Cyril . Thats how it should be .