That nonsense has escalated since then In my opinion .
I remember the American media deciding , or were ordered , to begin showing black people in more responsible positions in society etc . instead of bad guys .
All of a sudden in the US media , all the judges became black , and all the police Chief Detectives became black , all so obvious it has become ludicrous .
In the UK its the fashion now to showing a black guy with a white woman for no particular purpose , as if they are getting every one used to it . The last college prospectus I received , if I remember correctly , didn't actually have any white people in the photos at all , plenty of African tribal dress , burkahs (Whatever) Vietnamese & Rasta,s .
It needs to to left to occur naturally , if its forced upon people they react against it .
Just let it happen , half the electricians I talk to at the wholesalers are asian or black , we get on , because of the common cause I suppose .
It works if you don't force it on people , anyone remember the first black footballer you saw on TV , I think he played for West Ham , forgot the name , but he looked odd & out of place then , but not now .
One of the most respected sportsmen in this area was Cyril Regis , played for Villa & West Brom , he was liked for who he was , his manner , his attitude , he rose above the racist comments from the brainless in the crowd to become a local hero . We forgot he was black , he was Cyril . Thats how it should be .