The IET and the EU

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Tony S

© Honorary Lifetime Member
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Sep 24, 2012
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Resting under the Major Oak.
For me the IET's credibility is permanently flawed. They write documents with more errors and ambiguity in them than swiss cheese. They do nothing to up hold standards and as far as I am concerned they are nothing more than a talking shop, trying to generate money and income for "interested" parties.,,,,,,,,

I am not a member of the IET

The debate is still going on over there. If you can call it a debate. Some members are not happy at all.

@Murdoch the IET is an institution, no one person just sits and writes anything. It is all a collaboration based on data that is provided almost daily.

I was opposed to the new Amd 3 consumer unit, though would concede a compromise.

Mistakes can always slip through, and when they are found are dealt with. Ambiguity, well, this is where I do believe a plain English approach could be better. However if you find any regulation that you could not interpret you only have to ask. I do if I am stuck, or think it could be taken in more than one way.

The debate is still going on over there. If you can call it a debate. Some members are not happy at all.

@Murdoch the IET is an institution, no one person just sits and writes anything. It is all a collaboration based on data that is provided almost daily.

I was opposed to the new Amd 3 consumer unit, though would concede a compromise.

Mistakes can always slip through, and when they are found are dealt with. Ambiguity, well, this is where I do believe a plain English approach could be better. However if you find any regulation that you could not interpret you only have to ask. I do if I am stuck, or think it could be taken in more than one way.

That's abundantly clear and is also abundantly clear that nobody actually proof reads anything either .....

Take a good look at ANY of the sparky forums and its clear what isn't clear - if that makes sense!

I am not a member however I believe that nobody no matter who they are should start to get involved with things that are outside their normal sphere.

Although I believe the IET are the route cause of the 5WW situatiojnwe find ourselves in and I am also a strong 'out' voter I think they have done what you would expect. 

They have not commented on anything but engineering and how it will be affected by leaving the EU.  Do I agree with their comments?  No. But they have taken a stance on the most Important vote in a generation and have backed it up with the reasons why, which are all engineering reasons. 

not a member

I can see why they would want to stay, they have invested a lot of time and energy into harmonisation. There would be a lot of upheaval if they have to re-write the regs with .201 at the end of every one. And instead of travelling around Europe on their junkets they would be on the intercity.

Although I believe the IET are the route cause of the 5WW situatiojnwe find ourselves in and I am also a strong 'out' voter I think they have done what you would expect. 

They have not commented on anything but engineering and how it will be affected by leaving the EU.  Do I agree with their comments?  No. But they have taken a stance on the most Important vote in a generation and have backed it up with the reasons why, which are all engineering reasons. 

They have commented without consulting the members.
