The today I will be mostly doing thread...

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I did put in the T's and C's that moving aviatars are not allowed. But there are some on here and that looks great, so what the hell...

....If Ext likes it (Which I see no reason for hiim, not to) then he can blinking well use it. :D

Well heres an example anyway..
Oh it's...............Gorgeous!!


Then I have changed it over for you Sir. :D

Ext15, that is one seriously cool avatar!!

Nice work -X- Applaud Smiley

I did put in the T's and C's that moving aviatars are not allowed. But there are some on here and that looks great, so what the hell.......If Ext likes it (Which I see no reason for hiim, not to) then he can blinking well use it. :D
His old one used to move :)
