The Vaccine...

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Not heard this, or is this news from social media? Please present evidence. The only issues I have heard of is 2 nurses who had serious allergy problems reacted badly to the vaccine - they did not die! 

OK, Polio vaccine has had issues as it is made from live virus. Most famous case was in India, where quality control was  firked up. The joy of the new vaccine is that it is made from modified RNA of a cold virus that is very similar to our normal colds, it  does not affect your normal DNA in any form. It is the safest form of vaccine ever developed. Our bodies get bombarded with virus DNA all the time, this vaccine is modified natural stuff. 

Was it rushed - sort of, but has been in developement since 2005 to tackle SARS and MERS. The big difference has been finances, ie the pandemic has seen the developement have money thrown at it, and the pandemic itself - lots of live cases to study, research and treat, which has made it possible to develop the vaccine much, much faster than normal. No corners have been cut, with many of the processes having been run in parallel rather than series further reducing development times. Think back to WW2, we went from propellors to jet aircraft and ballistic missles in only 5 years, and everything was done by pen and paper back then. There's nothing like a crisis to get things done!    

I just want the facts and then will decide There's mercury in the vaccine  (about the same as there is in a tin of farmed tuna) so that dont scare me

 The vaccine is expected to last 6 months like the flu vaccine but we cant be sure.

I will decide whether to have the vaccine once I am happy

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I just want the facts and then will decide There's mercury in the vaccine  (about the same as there is in a tin of farmed tuna) so that dont scare me

 The vaccine is expected to last 6 months like the flu vaccine but we cant be sure.

I will decide whether to have the vaccine once I am happy

i think everyone should be entitled to say no to the vaccine and it sholdnt be forced on them, however everyone who does refuse it should also be refused hospital treatment if they do catch covid. would you agree?

Why didn't he go to A&E? 
we live in remote N Wales, local minor injuries closed, eventually he went to the A&E on the mainland

i think everyone should be entitled to say no to the vaccine and it sholdnt be forced on them, however everyone who does refuse it should also be refused hospital treatment if they do catch covid. would you agree?
a bit like saying dont give hospital treatment to smokers, the obese, alcoholics?

we live in remote N Wales, local minor injuries closed, eventually he went to the A&E on the mainland

a bit like saying dont give hospital treatment to smokers, the obese, alcoholics?
if youre in hospital with lung cancer or too much alchohol in you, its pretty much only you thats going to suffer / die, in which case thats your own fault and i couldnt care less about you. but if youre in there with covid then youre also putting everyone else in there at risk of catching it from you, which you would have had a resonable chance of not having it you had the vaccine

if youre going to do something stupid then make sure its only going to affect you and no one else

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Yep, i would agree with that.. not to mention all the other people that cannot get treatment for anything as the hospitals are jam packed with, on the whole, the courgettewits that could not care about anyone else or decided it was all a hoax.. Anyone else noticed that there has been a sharp decrease in the numbers of them sorts lately...


i think everyone should be entitled to say no to the vaccine and it sholdnt be forced on them, however everyone who does refuse it should also be refused hospital treatment if they do catch covid. would you agree?

Sure if fat people are refused too and folk who do extreme sports Smokers and drinkers too. Oh and footballers and rugby players too.

The doing something stupid comment saying it only affects you. well its a fact the vaccine does not stop you spreading covid it just lessons the symptons you get.

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Sure if fat people are refused too and folk who do extreme sports Smokers and drinkers too. Oh and footballers and rugby players too.

The doing something stupid comment saying it only affects you. well its a fact the vaccine does not stop you spreading covid it just lessons the symptons you get.

like i said before, doing all those other stuff doesnt affect anyone else, only you. you cant pass on lung cancer or a broken bone. if you want to do something stupid then go ahread, just make sure it doesnt affect anyone else. you getting covid and ending up in hospital after refusing the chance of a vaccine which would probably have stopped it (or at least it was mild enough you could stay home) means youre putting others at risk by your stupidity. thats the problem i have with it (although stupidity does seem to be contagious)

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I must be stupid as an expert has said so .

Open your eyes and look at your posts then mine you  name call and make assumptions . lets stop the name calling and thow facts about. Since April I have worked ,shopped and exercised I have not been in a pub or used the eat out to help out.  But by your reconing anyone who has should not be treat on the NHS ? 

Does treating lung cancer or heart conditions caused by smoking or obesity not use up valuable resources ? . Cases are not done like that.

Either be sensible or I am out


I must be stupid as an expert has said so .

Open your eyes and look at your posts then mine you  name call and make assumptions . lets stop the name calling and thow facts about. Since April I have worked ,shopped and exercised I have not been in a pub or used the eat out to help out.  But by your reconing anyone who has should not be treat on the NHS ? 

Does treating lung cancer or heart conditions caused by smoking or obesity not use up valuable resources ? . Cases are not done like that.

Either be sensible or I am out

meh. cant fix stupid. youre skipping half of what i said and repeating the same thing. maybe getting a severe case of covid might do society a favour

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Not going down to your level seems to me your one of them blokes that just shouts louder during an argument it wont matter whether your right or wrong. Bet there are lots of folk on here who would like a discussion but it seems its your opinion or your stupid???  Personaly I wouldn't wish covid on anyone either. nor do I want a Vaccine I am unsure about  That's me done on this topic 

Lets keep to the topic and not get carried away chaps. For me there are still some doubts about it. I'm not sure if I would have it and last time I looked we weren't a communist state so I have choice. It seems that having the vaccine may not stop you spreading the virus either.

well, the only thing I’d like to do to professional players like these is ban them from saying they are self employed.

they need to be pay tax and ni at source 
Plus TV and radio presenters - doing the same job on the same station for years ... self employed ...... my arse. 

pay you taxes properly and set an example

I will have the vaccine as i cannot see what harm it could do.  Not happy with the idea as i am **** scared of needles, not as scared as i am of having the vascular effects caused by the virus though..

Surely whatever is in it is some sort of derivative of the virus, so it can hardly be worst then being infected with the proper version??

Ok, so it might not stop you from getting it, but it is apparently very good at stopping you geting it in a big way.

This means that i can sit back nad laugh myself silly when the yobbos that habg round in gangs and the types that think it is ok for 400 of you to go to a wedding start dying and being maimed. That would trully make my day. Darwinism it is called. These people have no respect for authority or anything else.. The virus is about to teach them some...


Before having any vaccine be sure that you have no current infections of any type. my wife went for the flu jab because she worked with elderly persons and the doctors hadn’t checked to see if the infection she had been suffering with had cleared up first. Sadly the result was that her whole immune system was destroyed, she was then diagnosed with ME and has spent many years suffering since. She still to this day suffers with a very poor immune system, so don’t just think that because it’s a vaccine it’s great. It is dependent upon so many other factors.    

I just want the facts and then will decide There's mercury in the vaccine  (about the same as there is in a tin of farmed tuna) so that dont scare me

 The vaccine is expected to last 6 months like the flu vaccine but we cant be sure.

I will decide whether to have the vaccine once I am happy

Interesting article, but the most important part of that article is the following 

"We are not alarmed by this. It is quite clear that these vaccines have very little risk, with a small exception for the frailest patients," Steinar Madsen, medical director with the agency, said

"Doctors must now carefully consider who should be vaccinated. Those who are very frail and at the very end of life can be vaccinated after an individual assessment," he added. So sounds like the vaccine can finish off the very frail and about to die anyway? 

As most care home residents live less than 2 years, you have to wonder if vaccinating these people is a good use of vaccine, but then denying said people family contact at the end of their lives does seem cruel. 

I wouldn't worry too much about mercury either, they use mercury to decaffinate coffee and there's shed loads in your fillings too. 

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Surely whatever is in it is some sort of derivative of the virus, so it can hardly be worst then being infected with the proper version??

As far as I am aware, the AZ one has a replica of the spike protein of Sars-COV2 grafted onto a harmless virus that infects pigs (some kind of cold I think) but not humans, so that your immune system can recognise the spike protein and learn to target anything that has similar. It has to be a virus that its not seen before, so they cant use human viruses as otherwise it might be recognised already and simply destroyed without worrying about the spike protein.


There is no way you could possibly know you had Covid-19 in March 2019. 

Did you have tests back then confirming it?
No, but the symptoms were exactly the same as people are presenting with now, we just thought it was a really bad dose of flu.
