This is OVER THE TOP... surely???

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Don't start me on that !!! Why can't we men open and close the curtains properly , " they're all bunched up at one end, What they must look like from outside , they're flat , you must have gathers " headbang
Bedroom curtains must have no gap, beyond that I really couldn't care. Nor could the neighbours, because when they are closed it's dark outside and they can't see anyway


I looked also ....................................... but only to see entertaining pictures had been posted :Applaud :Applaud
Entertaining pictures of .....................................pottery .........Mmmmmmmmmmm... had you gone off somewhere else ..... by any chance ?:|

Bedroom curtains must have no gap, beyond that I really couldn't care. Nor could the neighbours, because when they are closed it's dark outside and they can't see anyway :D
My wife keeps the bedroom curtains closed at the request of the local peeping tom. ; \


---JUST ADDED----- :Blushing

I am completely out of sync, I should hit refresh more often!!

But still Nice Jugs!!

jesus i know the lad on the right is young and his balls haven't dropped yet but to highlight it is plain mocking the boy





^If that trio have ever done anything more complicated than wiring a plug I will be incredibly surprised...


I was too busy looking at her milk producers to see that lostit we shouldn't be worried about you should we mate . . . Bums against the wall lol

I was too busy looking at her milk producers to see that lostit we shouldn't be worried about you should we mate . . . Bums against the wall lol
my misses has a very nice top bum so i guess i'm used to them ;)

I was too busy looking at her milk producers to see that lostit we shouldn't be worried about you should we mate . . . Bums against the wall lol
you forgot soap on a rope :p

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Says it all really people who live in those area's probably earn

If they are electricians why their helmets are Yellow? not blue?


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