Hi all,
First off'
"Do they use concentric for 3 phase? (i.e 3 inner phase cores and one outer neutral core)"
Yes definitely, i have such a cable feeding my own supply.
Secondly, as to LV mains cable failures, I was talking to a DNO cable jointer a while ago about this. He told me a few things.
Firstly, my own supply to the shed i am building is housed in a freestanding metal "thingy" i made.
View attachment 3166
The cable jointer told me that he was surprised that they connected a "PME" supply to this, as
"they will now refuse to connect "PME" to anything that is made of metal"
Now, i cannot see this, but i was at a large shopping centre and noticed that there were earth rod boxes everywhere outside surrounding the buildings, so whether this was indeed a TT'ed huge install with multiple rods, or a
"proper" PME one, I have no idea. [Obviously i cannot go and ask to inspect Tescos supply at the intake position to find out for sure]
Next, i said that i was amazed that the 80 year old PILC cable in the street was in such good condition. The jointer told me
"Yes, they are all like that. We have LOADS of trouble with the newer stuff though. The concentric part is only aluminium in lots of it, and the water gets in all the time and rots it all away!!!!"
Oh dear......!!!!!!!!!!
Now then, here is a little theory of mine. Please have a read and tell me what you think. I have thought about this for a long time.
1, "Exporting earth" under FAULT FREE conditions.
Cannot see the difference here between a DNO earth supplied as either TNS or TNCS, Surely the only PD difference between earth, and "true" earth out in the garden
BETWEEN THE TWO DIFFERENT SYSTEMS will be caused [in the case of TNCS] by the flow of current down your OWN service cable. In other words, practically none existant.
2, Say there is a neutral fault in
YOUR OWN service cable on TNCS.
Then yes, you are stuffed!!!
3, One on TNCS
Say there is a neutral fault in the DNO mains cable out in the street. So what, what difference can that make??? The neutral is in parallel with the cable sheath earth that they
HAVE to maintain for TNS customers. [in fact, at every point where they connect a new service cable, they bond the neutral to the earth sheath of the "old" cable AND add an earth rod too.] Anyway, in the event of a "neutral fault" the neutral current will just return back to the star point down the existing cable sheath and so precisely nothing will happen.
Now to my point.... Now, leaving aside the fact that the "old" PILC mains cable itself will act as a giant earth rod. Say i am on TNCS. Right, there is a neutral fault "out in the street" With me up to now? Now, lets say that apart from the break in the neutral [in which case as i have explained above, i do not think much exciting will happen anyway, due to the cable sheath being in parallel] there is a break or a high impedance joint in the existing cable sheath, THEN even if
YOU are on "safe" TNS,
YOUR earthed metal work will all be live too!!!! It has to be, the DNO have gone and connected
YOUR nice safe earthed TNS cable sheath, to
MY mega dangerous neutral conductor at the point where my service cable joins the main, so if my exposed parts are "live" then so are yours!!!!!!
The cable jointer also told me that
"do not think we even have any SNE cable in the yard, it is ALL concentric now"
In other words, you might
THINK you are on TNS but
YOU ARE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!
Say there is a LV mains fault. They cut out the faulty bit and replace it with modern concentric stuff, EVERYONE is now on TNCS....... Now, when this modern stuff rots through, [as the cable jointer told me happens all time] apart from the fact that due to the loss of neutral, individual phase voltages will go all over the place, if it were not for the fact that there are these earth rods all over the place, and everyones MET is hopefully connected to bits of metal sticking out ot the ground, ALL our exposed parts will become live....
Constructive comments please!!!!