Transformer Vector Groups

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Gold Member
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Aug 3, 2009
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Just thinking about transformer vector groups as one does and just thought about something that is a gap in my knowledge. Maybe I was taught it 30 years ago at college if so I can't remember it.

So I understand vector groups for example Dy11, but say I was wanting a Dy11 or a Dy10 or a Dy 6 etc. how physically do they wind or alter the winding to achieve these 30 degree shifts when manufacturing the transformer.

Cheers Folks, never too old to learn :)

Ahhhhh thanks Canoeboy think I must have been have an afternoon snooze in my college class when they talked about that bit of vectors.

Still can't believe it is 30 years ago since I did that at college.

Revjames, we must be about the same age, born in 65.

Don't know about snooze, I had other better things on my mind, all those lovely trainee female hair stylists walking round the college, with belts for skirts.

Oh they were the days, sigh.

Went to Tech 1972 - 1976, cannot remember much of it, LSD was rife in those days.

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Roys - 1964 went to Tech between 1980 and 1984. Heavy current electrical applications was the subject and remember seeing the vector diagrams and pages of calcs but sadly never had cause to use the info!

1964? I remember that was a very severe winter with over two foot of snow, well it was where I lived, and yet we walked to school crying all the way, so we were hard but still human.

We get two inches of snow these days and the whole country stands still. It is only recently that I have been thinking that because I was born within a short time after the second world war, we were expected to just get on and not complain. When taken into context it is surprising how trivial our complaints are these days.

Back to the OP.

Ansi do not post the type on the data plate, one thing I have never understood? The type of wiring or winding is placed on the data plate and each transformer will have an individual purpose. Single phase from three phase and variations of degree winding. Its been years since I did any calcs or specs, and would normally rely on the type supplied to cope with the design criteria. We just tell the supply company what we want and why, they then specify the transformer and install it. After all we can not be masters of all, and I have not the time or inclination to think I can do what these guys do, any more than they could do what I do.

For those who are left wondering when I was born? Well the Rolling stones were not formed until few years later! Thats just a little clue.

That and others.

I remember when curly wurlies were at least a foot long and if not mistaken cost about 12p. I have been to the shops and spent all manner of coinage, farthings, the old threepenny bits and half crowns. I was one of the first to go to the shops after decimalisation to get my usual breakfast of biscuits, yes we were poor, just like the monty python sketch based on my family,breakfast was normally something like lemon puff biscuits, or jammie dodgers. I loved my unprivileged upbringing.

1964? I remember that was a very severe winter with over two foot of snow, well it was where I lived, and yet we walked to school crying all the way, so we were hard but still human.We get two inches of snow these days and the whole country stands still. It is only recently that I have been thinking that because I was born within a short time after the second world war, we were expected to just get on and not complain. When taken into context it is surprising how trivial our complaints are these days.

Back to the OP.

Ansi do not post the type on the data plate, one thing I have never understood? The type of wiring or winding is placed on the data plate and each transformer will have an individual purpose. Single phase from three phase and variations of degree winding. Its been years since I did any calcs or specs, and would normally rely on the type supplied to cope with the design criteria. We just tell the supply company what we want and why, they then specify the transformer and install it. After all we can not be masters of all, and I have not the time or inclination to think I can do what these guys do, any more than they could do what I do.

For those who are left wondering when I was born? Well the Rolling stones were not formed until few years later! Thats just a little clue.
I thought 1963 was the bad year only because I was told as that was the year I was born? I do think the winters were more severe in those days anyway.

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Manator - Did you used to get 4 black Jacks for a penny, 2 for halfpenny or 1 for a farthing, walnut whip was big money at sixpence.
I preferred the fruit salads think they were the ones sold together?
