I am trying to change a boring white light switch to a chrome light switch in our hall way upstairs, it is a 2 way light switch so turns on the light on the 2nd floor and also the upstairs 3rd floor - I've changed the other light switches in the house but this one has baffled me, There is 1 brown wire a grey and a black for i assume the left switch but for the right switch there is 1 black 1 grey & 4 brown wires? The grey cable also has a brown cover and on the 1st switch the black wire has a brown cover? For the life of me I can't figure it out I wire the light switch the way I know and the light comes on but doesn't turn off an on? I shall attach photos to hopefully make it a bit easier to understand, any help is appreciated no matter how simple a mistake I may be doing! Hope the links work 
https://ibb.co/mvtktGG - new switch
https://ibb.co/z7Jwym2 - new switch
https://ibb.co/mvtktGG - new switch
https://ibb.co/z7Jwym2 - new switch