very strange

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Just firing ideas at you mate.
fully appreciate it! its just so fustrating. ive been doing this for years and thi has really baffled me. will change them all for decent white plastic 1s tommorw i think

I notice you said that the customer supplied the sockets. Dont forget that once you have proved the sockets to be at fault (which it sounds like you will) that you need to charge the customer for swapping them out again. Customers supplying their own gear is a pain in the backside.

take a good quality socket or two of your own to try
I think this is the best idea, if you change all the sockets for normal plastic ones that you supply if it tests out fine then just stick the customer supplied sockets in a box and charge the customer a few quid extra for faffing about, and also price for some decent chrome sockets while you're at it.

If it doesn;t solve it it narrows it down at least.

Had a similar problem on a ring with 6 metal sockets. I went round replacing them with the good old cheap plastic doubles 1 by 1 and found a dodgy one that chucked my reading out. Again customer supplied sockets, and customer charged - handsomely - for my time wasted.

It doesn't take much...After walls are plastered you will see that the KO boxes get quite damp.. the boxes are cold and the moisture condenses on them!!

Something similar,,,

I was called to a RCD tripping and not resetting.. I found the fault pretty quickly.. The air in the house was very humid and when we unplugged the washing machine the fault cleared.. the offending socket was behind the machine on an outside wall which was tiled (and soaking).. but there was only a tiny amount of moisture tracking between the socket pins.
what did you do?
