what do u guys think?

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Jul 8, 2010
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ok i do some work around gloucesteshire for a company who has several care homes, they have been in contact with me this evening to ask if i could possibly offer some sort of care package, the sort of thing british gas offer.

basically either a annual, or monthly fee that would cover the cost of call outs and so many hours labour for a set fee?

what do you guys think? never been asked anything like this before but i do a fair bit of work for these including fire alarm,emergency lighting, burglar alarms etc etc. kind of hard to even think of how this would work to be honest

A lot to consider if you are a one man business as they will want you there immediately for emergencies. I could not do this as most of my work is site work and I would not be popular nipping of at a drop of a hat. But apart from that it could be a good income.

A call out at 3 in the morning and its all included in the annual fee..Not for me switch 10 mate !

It's late, but you could draw up a contract with any agreement you want.

eg contactable 24 hours but extra charge if outside 10pm-6am (+

I dont do call outs, the phone still goes at some weird times tho thank god for silent mode! But I know of a couple of sparks that did what you are being asked and made a shed load they built up thier business then got an employee to do it for a lot less then call out contract and still made money.

hmmm yeah maybe have to possibly look into drawing up several draft contracts with certain exclusions and see what happens. theres a chance to make some cash, and in all fairness i been doing the fire alarms etc for over 3 years and never had many call outs. so i could be making money for nothing

I wouldn't go for it TBH . They tend to imagine you are sitting there ,just waiting to dash out . Couldn't you work out some kind of cover , do you work with anyone else ?

Its understandable on their part ,if, say, half their lights go out , they have a responsibility of care to their residents.

A larger firm would spread the cover between some of their employees to be " On call" . doesn't help you I know , but could become a millstone.

nah just me doing the work at the moment, so would be a lot of hard work if the calls started flooding in and im on another job etc. been having a good think about this today and think im going to give it a miss and carry on as usuall, that way im safe and not making promises i may not be able to keep.

cheers to all for advice :)

If you have written into the contract that some maintenance will be needed every few months and that callouts out of hours are charged at a higher rate could be a good earner. Apply a monthly fee covering a few callouts for them to retain your service. If you set the prices high and they dont go for it you have still got the back up of just going in as and when. It will be hard to schedule it all but they seem possibly a good customer.

I did call outs for a bit, i understand that the call out out of hours was
