Hi,I fitted a new dual RCD board in a customers house a couple of weeks ago.
All circuits tested fine - no problems whatsoever.
I've since had a phone call telling me that sometimes when she switches on her immersion heater, the RCD on that side of the board trips.
I told her that this could, on occasion, happen and that if it became a frequent thing, to get back in touch.........well, she has.
My first thought is to now move the 'immersion' circuit to it's own RCBO, so it is not tripping other circuits, (e.g. lighting), when this happens.
But what do I do if this becomes a nuicance for the customer and keeps tripping the RCBO every other time she puts her heating on?
It's not like a kettle, where I can tell her to get a new one - I can hardly insist she gets a new heating system.
Can I move it onto a non-RCD protected MCB? - if not, what the hell do we do?