Searly - As a lecturer who places faults on the 303 board - Why would I take anytime putting fauts on that have not been found? I leave them on- if they are not found the candidate fails and I leave the fault on. A good set of faults will include, visuals, circuit and functional faults. ( I'm classifying O/C neutral on radial and lighting circuits as functional as these should not be picked up before power in appled). The best way to fault find is to follow the sequence of tests in the OSG (which does not include Rn except for A1 circuits). Reember that dead testing ansers the question is is safe to live test, live testing answers the question is it safe to energise. If the lighting circuit as an O/C Rn fault- it will not function , but it remains safe to energise. On a small board it may seem no big time factor to do test continuity of all Rn's . But in a large installation the time would be a big factor. Stick to the sequence as laid down in the Regs and OSG