What should the meter read?

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Junior Member
Jul 4, 2012
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What should the meter read when connected to the live and a floating neutral, with all breakers switched off?

If your talking about a voltage meter, it would read 0v, as there is no potential difference.

What should the meter read when connected to the live and a floating neutral, with all breakers switched off?
Floating neutral, i.e. a disconnnected neutral?

But the "live" might be disconnected, because all breakers are off; unless he`s on a live before the breakers???

Who knows??

And, to reiterate (word of the day?).....WHY???


---------- Post Auto-Merged at 16:46 ---------- Previous post was made at 16:41 ----------

meter is a fluke 177, measurement before breakers.

If i connect one lead to live and the other is not connected anywhere i get 60 odd volts reading , if i touch the disconnected lead i get over 100V,if i touch a disconnected neutral 230V

Then the neutral is connected elsware test on the ohms scale from the floating neutral to a nother neutral or earth if you get a low reading then it will confirm this

Forgot to add make sure there is no power first!

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