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12 way aswell.

Wonder what sort of certificate it was?

Certificate of incompetance?

Certificate of a great charitable act?


Theres quite a lot of bull-locks on that site if you look around it, the prob with it is that any old Thomas, Richard or Harriet can add to it and some folks just cant resist spreading a bit of disinformation .

cash in hand for a CU he took out of the bosses van,

I know guys doing CU changes for less in houses where their firm is working,

working in the house, tell customer that they need a new CU, "I'll do it for you on saturday morning for half the price the boss wants if you give me cash",

job done, and customer still gets part P at the end, cos its the same guy testing, he just doesnt tell the boss he added a CU change on.

cash in hand for a CU he took out of the bosses van,I know guys doing CU changes for less in houses where their firm is working,

working in the house, tell customer that they need a new CU, "I'll do it for you on saturday morning for half the price the boss wants if you give me cash",

job done, and customer still gets part P at the end, cos its the same guy testing, he just doesnt tell the boss he added a CU change on.
When I used to employ peeps, one of my employees tried this. I got a call on the Monday from client to say his new 'box' had tripped. I advised my newly ex-employee to call in on the way home, if his bus passed the end of the road. He said 'Bus? What Bus??' I replied ' the one you will be taking all your tools home on tonight and probably tomorrow to the Job Centre... ' he, and the rest , is history.... :coat

I see it all the time around here (Wakefield), landlords and agents around here think 150 is a standard price ( I've also heard of 1 or 2 full re-wires for a grand since last year) they end up with an unsuitable 4 or 6 way board with RCD main switch or no RCD, no tails or main earth upgrade, no testing, no cert. A mates Dad (landlord) asked me to quote a CU for him if I could beat the one he already had. 100 quid!! This was from a 2nd year apprentice on the side in his n reg fiesta. There are also so many unregistered guys posing as reputable firms, they are all over Google in my area, I'm assuming paying for web marketing packages, (you can spot the template websites a mile off!) all scratching for work. I very rarely get any CU's I price for, the ones I do are mainly older people who seem to like my manners and attitude.

Ive changed more fuse boxes than i can remember, most only take half a day, maybe a little more. Certainly never had a late day changing a fuse box. All tets are carried out and certificates issued. I charge around

Ive changed more fuse boxes than i can remember, most only take half a day, maybe a little more. Certainly never had a late day changing a fuse box. All tets are carried out and certificates issued. I charge around DSCF0833.jpg

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Hillside Cottage Before.jpg


Hillside Cottage After 003.jpg
most of those things would have been determined on your pre-inspection,as for the light fitting, how about some lightmates.?
I presume by pre inspection you mean quote visit. I personally do not do that level of testing on a quote visit. I do a Zs on each circuit remove a sample of light switches and roses to see if there is cpc on lighting circuits and if it

sometimes a light requires dropping, not often though,

continuity can be fairly well guessed from a socket or 2 well chosen,

yes, wouldnt even think about changing a CU without doing IR on quote visit, you could be wasting a total day fixing a VIR or lead fault that is never going to be repaired, then what do you do with your fancy new CU you have just fitted that wont hold in?

if you quote for hidden issues then you need about

As much as I admire your thorough work, when I price to change a CU, I price to change a CU, not carry out a PIR and full correction of remedial works. Any faults found that require fixing are charged as an extra, not included in my price. I dont carry out any more than a Ze / Zs check and an inspection of the main earth bonding prior to carrying out the job. In my opinion you are making more work for yourselfs. I make it very clear in my tenders what is and is not included, if faults are found that cause the new CU to trip then it is extra money to fault find them. It rarely takesme more than 30 mins to an hour though to sort out issues like that. As long as I dont leave anything in a condition that is less safe than it was before I carried out the job, it can wait to be fixed when the client agrees to pay for it.
